This article sums it up better than I ever could, but (as any housing advocate has known), the MBTA communities law really isn’t going to impact housing in the way it’s intended because of where towns are placing their districts. Sudbury, Wayland and Chelmsford put their districts entirely over existing apartments. North Andover put theirs in areas that almost certainly won’t be developed on. And it doesn’t help that the state reduced requirements for units in many towns last year (over 60,000 zoned units across the state were removed, and in Norwood’s case, 700 more units would’ve been required). The 15 units per acre threshold is already being met in enough town centers or apartment complexes that it really isn’t gonna mean anything, but of course the NIMBY crowd thinks otherwise and will block some towns from even ZONING for housing — when if there really wasn’t a demand for multi family residential, there wouldn’t be a need to ban it.