Hi I need some advice for a problem which might sound a bit mean!

Me and my girlfriend sometimes meet up with another couple and play boardgames. We have a bit more experience with "complex" games. So far we've played The Crew, Pandemic and Azul with the other couple. The problem we've encountered though is that they tend to get "analysis paralysis" last time we played Azul a turn for them could take up to 10 minutes. Ofcourse that can happen to all of us in complex situations but this was the case a number of times which resultet in the game lasting for over 3 hours whilst me and my girlfriend might have "actively" played for 30 minutes together.

So I was wondering if you had any tips on games to play that might not lead to this problems.

Edit: They're not slow like stupid, they just don't like to "rush" I feel like.