A few months ago, there was a major AdSence error that conflated all Blogspot blogs and being one and the same. I posted about it back then:


Google eventually seemed to fix it, but it looks like the issue is cropping up again to the point where AdSense is just removing all subdomain distinctions. I got this email yesterday:

Dear Partner,

We would like to let you know about a change we plan to make that may impact your AdSense for Search (AFS) account.

We identified an issue in our site reporting that makes it possible for AdSense to report for a large amount of subdomains. Google AdSense monitors and limits the number of subdomains in AdSense reporting to ensure system stability and long-term health of the network.

In 15 days, on Mar 13, 2024, we will stop reporting subdomain in site reporting in all AdSense for Search (AFS) accounts. The change will remove subdomains from site reporting and instead report the domain name.

Example: Traffic on ‘adsense.google.com’ will show in reporting under site as ‘google.com’.

Obviously, this doesn't make sense for Blogger users. All our blogs are just subdomains on the blogspot.com domain. So how would AdSense reporting work for us? The email makes no indication of this.

I hope Google is aware of this potential issue. If any of you are active in Blogger support forums, maybe bring this to staff attention and/or share any updates/responses here. This could be a huge issue for Blogger users that have monitized their blogs and don't use a custom domain.