• My Canyon Grail all loaded up and ready to head out on Day 1!

  • Day 1 was mostly gravel, and lots of climbing

  • There were incredible views to enjoy though

  • The day just began getting hot when I reached the forest. Perfect timing!

  • Lots of shade provided by these guys! They don't call it "Black" Forest for nothing. The shade is no joke - even in the middle of summer.

  • Still haven't learned to resist taking bike pics at every stop.

  • Perfect conditions!

  • Just one more...

  • At one point, the gravel got very chunky. Really not ideal for my 40mm Schwalbe G-One RS setup, but luckily it didn't last too long

  • Almost there!

  • I spent the night in Freudenstadt! I'm not cool enough (yet) to camp, and it's kind of forbidden here, so I just spent the night at a local guest house

  • And, of course, I refuelled with some local Schwabisch cuisine

  • Day 2 - I started my trip back on the Tour de Murg, which is primarily a paved route, but absolutely gorgeous throughout

  • Doesn't count as a bike photo because the bike isn't in the middle

  • Amazing views throughout this route! Can't recommend it enough - easily accessible by gravel riders and roadies alike.
