Butterfly Knives

r/balisong86.9K subscribers20 active
The Question Thread - June 2024

This is /r/balisong's official monthly question thread. Please feel free to ask any questions you have and to always check the sidebar or our wiki page first before asking any questions. There are a variety of tips, guides, and information located in our wiki. Everyone is encouraged to try and help out those who haven't received an answer yet.

For your convenience, here are some popular resources that answer most frequently asked questions:

Balisong Guide (Getting Started, Terminology, and Purchasing)

Flipping Tutorials

Hardware Guide

Previous Question Threads


Pinnedby BuffaloDingusLatch Sympathizer
Balisong Guide 2022 and onward!Discussion


Hi everyone, this has been in the works for quite a while and has finally gotten the blessing that it needed to be ready for everyone to see.

Thanks to u/xXxXhermitXxXx, the previous purchase guide served us all well. However, a lot of time has passed and a lot of things have changed. After the pestering nudging of some friends from the subreddit, I've decided to pick up the torch and write a new guide. Instead of just being a purchase guide, it eventually morphed in to including some other important info for getting in to the hobby that I may still add to. I also decided on doing it in Google Sheets instead of just a Reddit post so it can be more easily formatted and updated in the future and I can possibly pass on editing permission to someone else in the future if needed.

If anyone has any questions, suggestions, or other proposed changes, please let me know as I think community involvement is very important here.


Pinnedby BuffaloDingusLatch Sympathizer
Canyon InspirationBali Porn


I was recently inspired by the recent mods to the Canyon I've seen here, so I completed my own.

I've only been a part of this community for about 8 months, but I've been inspired every day - to the point of learning FreeCAD, 3D printing my own bali design experiments, trying Ti anodizing and of course flipping and collecting.

It's somewhat frustrating living in a country where the best you can get beyond trainers is false edge balis, but here's hoping that changes some time in the future. Until then, I live vicariously through everyone on here who posts their gorgeous NKD's, so keep them coming!

MadkoolBali Porn
by ComradeSyntrofosFlips a bottle opener