Hi all, I was wondering if anyone had tips regarding what to pack vs. what to purchase in SE asia when I have just a carrier on for space. I have spent significant time abroad (mostly Latin America) but I have never bounced from place to place. Ill be spending 2-5 day stints in Vietnam, Cambodia, thailand, and indonesia. Here are the specific questions:

Should I pack toiletrees (shampoo, etc) or just buy it everytime I get to a new location? Most the places I will be staying don't provide it. Would this get too expensive?

Towels. I really don't want to pack a towel. I know there are microfiber/quick drying versions you can get on amazon. Do I purchase one of those, or will a towel be relatively easy to find in stores in an urban area.

Clothes: What have you guys done about clothes in the past? Is it common for hostels in the region to have machines or do you use laundromats? Let me know.