I’m 19 year old girl and I am 11 days into backpacking around Europe by myself. I hate it. I really really want to go home. I wanted to stay for 3 months and part of me doesn’t want to go home because I said I would stay longer. But I also am truly not enjoying myself. I feel like it’s not so bad when I’m with other people in the hostels but then when I’m by myself I just feel awful. I know I would really enjoy this if I wasn’t alone but I am and I just don’t want to be here anymore. I’m also autistic and I have social anxiety and so that makes it harder. I’m really just looking for advice on what to do next. I don’t want to leave and then regret it (I can also always come back later with someone else) but I also don’t think it’s worth staying and spending all this money and everything if it just makes me miserable.

Edit: thanks for all the advice. I decided to book a plane ticket home. I will come back in the future with a travel buddy.