First time I've seen that, actual Gideon bibles left all over the hotel, on window sils, in the bathrooms, in the reception hall, and then as I was walking past the bar I spotted the dude who was doing it, he had just dropped one on a table. I thought whoever was doing that was just doing it as a joke, but that guy looked like a really... religious person. Nothing wrong with that, it's just that his appearance screamed "I go to church with my mother every day". So it wasn't a joke.

Anyway, I waved at him and said with a smile "Wrong hotel, Rocky Raccoon's staying elsewhere". And the guy said "I don't like movies". There was a lot to unpack there so I just smiled some more and kept on walking. A bit faster.

But seriously, am I REALLY getting so old that no one gets that reference anymore, or do Christians simply refuse to listen to the Beatles?!?