I hope this doesn't come across as judgemental or anything like that. I am just curious about this because I have seen it so often, especially in aroace people.

If you're in a relationship.... why?

When I think of getting married or being in a relationship, I just think, "Ugh" and literally get the ick and anxious (I live in a very 'traditional' country and being in a relationship without intimacy/romance or sex is unheard of and all the relationships I've been in the sex always becomes an issue at the end even if they say it doesn't bother them which probably also plays a role. And according to my therapist I also have an avoidant attachment style.)

I know that not all aroace people are the same. But I can't image being with someone who I feel nothing but friendship for? Living with friends and roommates, fine. But living with someone who would want to consider being my partner, blah!

So yeah I wanna know why are you in a relationship, getting a boyfriend or girlfriend? Is it for convenience? Companionship?


Thank you for all the comments and for letting me be nosy about your inner workings lol. I know that I get annoyed sometimes when people ask about my dating habits so I really appreciate it.

I've learnt a lot about how people think about relationships and it's really opened my eyes to the types of connections out there that aren't necessarily a 'traditional romantic relationship' (As well as so many sub-labels omg, it makes me realize I am old and can't keep up.) and it makes me a bit more hopeful that maybe I can also find a type of connection that works long term.

I'm aroace and I need a strong attachment to a person before I would consider any kind of emotional intimacy with them as well, but so far I haven't found a partner who wants to stick around for that to happen. It might be me and the type of people I've tried to connect with. Hearing that many of you have found what you are looking for makes me really happy.