I clearly have no events on my listing. Just about 2 weeks ago I had my first ever noise complaint and the cops showed up. Good thing is the guest respected the warning. But I would not wish to repeat that experience.

This is someone who just created their account and I would be the first to host them.

I’m a bit worried they are lying to me about the amount of people. and lying about a baby shower is extreme but you never know.

Most baby showers I know of should be calm, be earlier in the day and not last all night.

Is it ok to ask this guest for additional information? This is what I have written so far to reply back but look I don’t even know how to go about this. Part of me says reject and the other half is like don’t be a jerk it’s only a baby shower.

My draft of course will be edited as I go:

“Hi ____, thanks for reaching out. I do feel quite uncomfortable with an event as I have no events or parties at my house due to possible noise complaints, property damages and out of sheer respect for my neighbors as it’s a quiet neighborhood. I just had a guest about 2 weeks ago who did not inform me of their event which resulted in a neighbor calling the cops, so I am a little hesitant. I would like to be open to it, as I try to be accommodating as best as I can. Would you be willing to provide some information to me? Are you planning on having this event indoor or outdoors? Will there be a DJ/ sound system by chance?”

What is your rule? Is it valid to ask these questions? Would you rather decline if you have to ask these questions? Or is there a better way to communicate my concerns?

Again this is a brand new guest so I have nothing to rely on, don’t know who this person will be.