So, I grew up Catholic. I went to Catholic school and Catholic Churches and hung out with Catholic people.

As I grew and learned, I decided that I didn’t know if I believed in God and if there was a God what makes us so sure that he or she or whatever is Christian?

Anyhow, there are about 5,000 reasons I am agnostic. I think they are all pretty good ones. However, I still hold a lot of the core values that I was taught deep in my heart, like regular moral values, helping people, and all of that. It definitely helped shape me to become the person I am today and I did not have a bad experience with the Catholic Church (even though I’ve met people who have had bad experiences).

I have a 6 year old and I live far away from family. I feel like something in my life is missing and I miss the sense of community that a church brings. I miss working together and helping people. But I don’t feel like I could go back. It feels wrong to pray to a God that I don’t really think is there. It feels like a lie.

I just don’t know how to navigate being a mom without any sort of community or how to teach my son morals without religion. Has anybody else gone through this? I also feel weird about celebrating Christmas and Easter. It is just difficult to find a sense of identity and culture.