TW for CSA,description of r*pe and flashbacks * * * * * * * * * * When my dad would sexually assault me as a child, I experienced excruciating pain in my lower abdomen. It felt like my insides were being ripped apart. Like he was going to burst through my stomach.

I (29f) have always had really painful periods. Sometimes OTC pain meds don’t even touch the pain. I find them really triggering. The pain feels similar to what I experienced during the assaults. Also, sometimes I would bleed after he would assault me, so seeing the blood during my period is also really difficult. Sometimes I wouldn’t even remember being assaulted, but I would feel pain and see blood and just get this sinking feeling of dread.

This weekend was especially bad. The pain was terrible. I felt like I couldn’t get out of bed and I was having the most horrible constant flashbacks. I could feel his weight on top of me, his breath on my neck. Smell his sweat. Feel him inside me. I was flooded with memories and it took my breath away. I was panicking. The flashbacks were so vivid and seemed so real.

I feel a little crazy. For those of you who have periods, do you experience anything similar?

I know I could go on birth control, but I’m terrified to go to the doctor.