I was kinda thinking about this in the shower this morning (the ideal place for self reflection ofc) and I wondered if anyone has struggled similarly.

So for context, I’m 22 now. Growing up, my mom was very much very strict, controlling, almost jealous of my body, never let me wear makeup, dressed me in all ugly goodwill/out of style hand me downs (we could definitely afford better) and didn’t teach me any hair/nail/“beauty” self care. I was kinda ugly growing up lol, I don’t know how much of that was just me being a late bloomer and how much was because she intentionally made me dress unattractive and didn’t know how to do my curly hair. I was like 5’3 120lbs and my mom would make me wear shirts/jeans 2-3 sizes too big to hide my figure, she would call me fat even when I was objectively thin. I wasn’t popular, I wasn’t allowed to have anyone over at my house and my friends rarely invited me over. When they did, I was usually not allowed to go. I didn’t have a phone til I was like 17, which impacted my social life a lot. (This isn’t intended to be a trauma dump I’m just trying to give some context into how my upbringing has affected me)

When I was 16 I moved out and stayed with a family friend briefly, during which time I got a job and started buying my own clothes, learned to do a little makeup, etc. and to be honest my style has not progressed since then. I’m not unhappy with my style, I’ve just always dressed the same.

I struggle a lot with my femininity. I’m muscular, a bit apple shaped, I have a lot of acne and I’m a little overweight. Even when I was thinner I felt this way, and my face used to be clearer but that also didn’t help my feelings. I always felt like I’m cosplaying as a pretty girl, and not that I am pretty- does that make any sense?? When I wear makeup, it feels like the phrase ‘putting lipstick on a pig’. When I dress revealing or expressly feminine (dresses, skirts, pretty sandals) I feel deeply uncomfortable and at the center of attention.

I know a lot of this is a chronic lack of confidence/the way my mom treated me, which is something I’m working through. But I wonder how much of this is because of the neurodivergency, my brain doesn’t work like “normal” girls. Do I not fit in because I don’t fit anywhere, or because my brain makes me feel like I don’t fit anywhere? Yknow?

Does anyone else struggle with this? Or any advice for me?