Ok, I'm likely to get downvoted like crazy for this...BUT...I really need some perspective. I read post after post on several different social platforms and what I consistently read is: "I'm the only one masking. All my friends do what they want and having the time of their lives." Now-just to be clear, I am not immunocompromised. I am not high risk. No one in my family is. But we have lived our lives with very serious precautions because we don't want chronic illness or early death due to post-covid conditions. HOWEVER. Here is where I'm stuck. For all of you who talk about "EVERYONE" you know doing all the things...are any of them suffering complications from infections? Any of them?? I literally know no one with any problems from LC whatsoever. Anyone who has had it - recovered. Yes, some were very sick. Recovered. Some-fly around the world and never get more than a sniffle. All the celebrities catching it? Fine. Ed Sheeran had it what...7 times? I'm dumbfounded. I'm starting to feel like maybe there is something to pretending it doesn't do anything-and it won't. Please share your stories. Also-to be clear...I don't want people to be sick but I want to believe that my family has sacrificed so much for a reason. Maybe we don't need to anymore? IDK.