Work Online

r/WorkOnline574.8K subscribers33 active
This sub is NOT for self-promotion. Posts advertising yourself for hire will be removed without hesitation.

r/WorkOnline is a place to talk about making an income online. This includes random jobs, online employers, remote work, sites that pay you and ways to monetize websites. These are sites and strategies that will yield the user minimum wage or better and allow them to provide for themselves.

While we understand that given today's current global situation, there has been a massive influx of For Hire posts or "I will do X for you posts" and it's become quite a disruption.

After some discussion, it has been decided that we will no longer allow these kinds of posts. That's not what the sub is for and those who come here looking for help, advice, or whatever don't want to see that either.

I encourage all users to use the Report button if you see anything like this.

Pinnedby mybeermoneyaccountModerator
Some things to search before coming on here and asking WHAT JOBS ARE ONLINE???

I am so sick and tired (as are many others) of the same post:


So here is several things to try.

(TBH I don't think you should even be applying for an online job if you cant do the research for yourself as online work means doing your own research and organisation. It aint exactly rocket science)

  • Searching the words BEST REMOTE JOBS or going to a job engine site and literally typing in REMOTE WORK or ONLINE JOBS
  • If you can't find jobs that you have any experience, well then you need to do some studying. You can get free courses on google that allows to explore a wide variety of courses, including: digital marketing AND CODING!!!!!!
  • STUCK? Don't worry cause with coursera you can study with a million different universities (including the USA) You can pay to receive the certificate or whatever OR YOU CAN DO IT FOR FREE.
  • check out these courses from top universities from harvard to berkley that can help you start to understand what is available out there.

So legit stop being so lazy and actually do some work as opposed to coming on this site asking


because you'll get the same answer over and over again and if you aint qualified you wont get it.

EDIT: this was not meant in any way to make people feel uncomfortable however my main point here is this post and in the comments section is to give useful information to people who need it.

Coming onto this Reddit making a post about how you’re looking for work, your age and location isn’t going to cut it. Please provide some detail so the people who already are remotely working can point you in the right direction. We don’t need the sob story. Just help us to help you properly instead of giving out the same common answers every time.

Thank u for coming to my ted talk.

How do you avoid getting scammed when trying to find online work?

My friend got scammed recently into writing articles and getting ghosted after sending his work through telegram, no pay.

They had initially paid him for smaller articles (200 words). Once they had his trust they made him write 3 longer articles (1000-2000 words) and ghosted him. It has been 4 days, it seems like they've blocked him.

What's sad is that he really put efforts and knowledge into the articles.. it's basically theft of intellect.

Have you had any such experiences? What did you do? Is there any way for him to get his money?


Im doing the training for WELOCALIZE, but I'm wondering if its a scam?

Any success stories with Appen lately?

I've read and researched quite a bit on them lately. Their company has 30 years of business. During the pandemic was the company's peak, where they provided Alphabet, Meta, Nvidia, etc. with top AI/LLM/Annotation services. Since then, they have fallen apart and apparently aren't great to do freelance work for. However, I just went through (admittedly) awful onboarding where I did the qualifications, exam, identify verification, and selection, and today I got an email that I was accepted and could start work on a project.

My questions are for those who have successfully done work for Appen. This project says it's $22/hr and there are no limits to hours worked. They're even offering to bump my hourly the more hours I work (i.e., 2hrs/day = the normal $22/hr, 4hrs/day = $24/hr, but 10hrs/day and they bump it to the max which is $40/hr). Does this seem legit? Anyone else making this much?? Is anyone else working for them and making decent money?? Any issues with payments? It says payments will be every Wednesday, but others have said it's monthly? After reading all the horror about them, and now I'm finally accepted, I'm wondering if I should even put in a ton of work if I'm going to get kicked off or not paid or something.... Also, I've worked 6 hours today and there is no real log for tasks or hours worked besides my own tallying. Anywhere I can manage that or is it also sketchy?

Any help is appreciated! Thanks!

Got a text about a job. Is it real?

I just got a text out of no where from a recruiter saying they from glassdoor I looked it up as far as I'm aware it a company that does reviews. The person was asking if I was interested in some work. I am. But I never been apouches this way before. Is this a scam or is this how folks get people to do some work for them no a days???

Appen website on IOS refreshes every 30 seconds. Any ideas on why?

I haven't yet tried to go on website on computer, but it's continuously refreshing on safari on my IPhone. I know for tasks on computer it requires you to use Chrome; is it required for basic browsing on phone as well?

RWS: Guidelines?

Hello there! Recently got invited to do the exam that's due on the 6th and I was hoping to have the guidelines up to reference. But weirdly, I cannot find it ANYWHERE now? I rechecked my emails from them and I had them up when I first got the email back when I got the test modules and skimmed it a little. But now it's like they disappeared? Am I not looking somewhere or was it a timed thing?

Oneforma Project payment

I got accepted into an LLM project, did some work but the date of payment seems quite vague to me, do I get paid at the end of the project or I get paid monthly for the work I didn't previously as is the normal schedule with UHRS work? My emails are not replied. Anyone worked on a project before?



Anyone here familiar with this app Shiftsmart? I just downloaded it earlier this week or last week. A training populated, I took the training, but didn't pass the test (I think I missed something reg the price tag). It did state try to pass on first try and when I didn't, it said I could try again, but nothing ever came up other than it allowing me to access the training again. I went over the training again, nothing populated to retake the test. Then thought oh they want me to review all the videos and I did. Went back through the training and no go. Nothing populated to retake the test. Left a message and so far haven't gotten a response.

The app was just updated a week ago and the training wasn't available until 5/30 as I ck the app daily. I've seen a few 2024 reviews as well. Anyone have any clues?

Has anyone applied DataAnnotation before?

I tried applying to this website and they ask you questions to test you on certain things. Some questions were multiple choice, others were open-ended.

My computer sucks so it would often shut down because my battery died and it hasn't even been unplugged for five minutes. When it happened once, thankfully, all of my responses were still there. But when it happened again, all of my responses vFREAKING GOT DELETED!!!!!!!!!!

They don't even have a stupid "save" button on here! It pisses me off! I hate my stupid computer!!!!!!!

Anyway, have any of you dealt with this? Were you able to get your responses back? Did you have to start all over? Or did you just quit and move on?

Also, I reported this issue to the support team. I hope this solves everything. If not I quit!


I did not have time to finish the last two training modules and am planning on taking the exam today. Any tips?

Seeking advice on starting as a freelance Figma designer

I'm interested in starting a career as a freelance Figma designer. I have some experience with Figma and enjoy creating designs, but I'm not sure how to turn this into a paying job.
Can anyone share tips on how to get started?

Rejected from Transcom

I recently applied at a work from home position at transcom, and after putting in a lot of effort in the heavy application, I genuinely had hope that I would get accepted. A day later, and they have "decided to move forward with a more qualified applicant". Im so confused? what could I have done wrong? this is a minimum wage job at the end of the day? what am I missing.


Anyone have any reviews for work from home inbound for TelaDoc?

Remote jobs with law degree (non-practicing)

What remote jobs are out there that strongly value a law degree but don’t require you to be barred in any jurisdiction?

can i quit with no notice period if no contract letter was sent to me?

i joined this company beginning of this year and have been working remotely for 5 months (company is based in the UK, i’m working from another country). this has got to be the most mismanaged, inadequate company i’ve ever seen - no communication between higher ups, no proper management, no proper training for employees, insanely toxic CEO. anyway, i’m considering leaving if i’m able to get another offer.

when i first joined as an intern, the HR sent me a contract stating i can terminate my work at any time and they can also let me go at my time. after two months they took me in full time. i was only sent an employment letter but no contracts stating my notice period for leaving, even after HR said they would send it to me. its been 3 months since i’ve joined full time and i still dont have the contract letter.

so in this scenario if i were to quit, can i quit with no notice period since they never sent a contract stating details in the first place?

What kind of jobs can I do as trilingual?

Hi all,

I am non-english native speaker in early-30s (born & raised in Asia, has a marketing degree and currently reside in US, fluent in mandarin, Cantonese and English; writing native in traditional chinese, simplifed chinese and English is feasible).

I am still figuring out my career goal. My career goal is finding a remote job (part time or full time both fine). I am thinking something related to localization (realize I might need to take translator course & start freelancing) , tech (not much experience, looking into maybe start learning Python & UX/UI). So I would like to know what kinds of jobs can I do with these interest. Any suggestions are appeciated!

Best Degree to get for remote work?

So I'm not new to online work but I am frustrated with attempting to navigate it with no degree. I know remote work is just what best fits my personality. I'm at a point in my life where I'm finally able to finish my HS Diploma and so I'm beginning to ask what my next steps are. I don't have any particular dreams as far as career paths go anymore. I'm 25 and my life has been and continues to be a mess so dreams aren't in my vision for the future anymore. I'm looking for practicality and the flexibility that comes with remote work.

What career field has the most job security? What career field has the most remote job opportunities? Where can I make atleast 45k a year remotely?

From the info I've gathered online so far, I'm debating between Tax Associate or a variety of Tech jobs but while Google has helped extensively I wonder if any irl ppl could give me their experiences?

Search Analyst in Peroptyx

anyone here working as Search Analyst in Peroptyx? What platform are they using? In Maps Evaluator/Data Analyst, they are using tryrating.. how about the search analyst?

Oneforma is not paying the rate that was communicated

I worked on an LLM project called Crystal recently. The project communication (statement of work) said tasks range from $8 to $12 per hit. But they're paying me as low as $2 for most of the hits and project coordinator is not budging.

What are my options here? I don't want them to stiff me of hundreds of dollars.


Help! Guys is there any other similar sites like appen that hires globally. Please let me know. Thanks

Seeking Guidance on Setting Up an LLC and Transitioning to Contracting as a Software Engineer

Hello everyone,

I'm reaching out to this community for help and guidance as I embark on the journey of setting up my own LLC and transitioning to working as a contractor.

A bit of background about me: I’m a software engineer with several years of experience in the industry, primarily focusing on data engineering, AI, and machine learning.

Here are a few specific areas where I could use some advice:

  1. Setting Up an LLC:
    • What are the initial steps I need to take to set up an LLC?
    • Are there any particular resources or guides that you found helpful during your setup process?
    • How should I go about choosing the right state for registering my LLC?
    • Any tips on finding a good registered agent service?
  2. Transitioning to Contracting:
    • What should I consider when making the shift from a full-time employee to a contractor?
    • How did you go about finding your first clients and building a steady stream of work?
    • What are some key legal and financial considerations I should be aware of (e.g., contracts, taxes, insurance)?
  3. Day-to-Day Operations:
    • How do you manage your time and projects effectively as a contractor?
    • What tools or systems do you use to keep everything organized?
    • Any advice on maintaining a work-life balance?
  4. Networking and Building a Reputation:
    • How important is networking, and what strategies do you use to build and maintain your professional network?
    • How do you establish and build your reputation as a reliable and skilled contractor?

I’m eager to learn from those of you who have successfully made this transition and built a thriving contracting business. Any tips, resources, or personal experiences you’re willing to share would be immensely appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Remote Writing/Chat/Editing etc?

Is there any good proofreading or editing work right now? I do some proofreading with my current work already but mostly talk live. I would like to have more off-camera work.

I'm very good at this kind of work and have been doing it on and off for several years now through tutoring. I have a degree, but in a science, not in English or any kind of writing related subject. I'm a native English speaker and everything, but living in another country. I don't mind difficult work or sites with very high requirements.

I would be looking for something around at least $15/h - it's less than what I make now but wouldn't mind a drop for at least a few hours of off-cam work. Above $20/h would be even better. I can type and edit VERY fast and already do, so project based work will end up at a higher rate than average for me.

Invisible Technologies - WARNING

This is a warning to anyone who is seeking employment with Invisible Technologies as an AI trainer

JOB TITLE: Advanced AI Data Trainer

Invisible Technologies uses TRACKING SOFTWARE (Hubstaff) to monitor your desktop and take screenshots every 10 minutes. Hubstaff can also see anything you have in Incognito mode, and any programs/software you have running in the background. They track your keystrokes and mouse movement.

They also want your webcam to be always on in Zoom.

You'd think with their paranoia they would at least provide their workers with company laptops.. but they don't. How surprising.

They pay slave wages of $15, and sell your skills to train AI for tech companies. 

There are NO benefits of any sort. You are a contractor.

They use Wise to pay people in USD, so if you're working outside of the US, be prepared to pay conversion fees and other Wise fees.


I applied to them in April 2023. They emailed me May 2024, and rushed the entire onboarding process.

During the 3 hours long onboarding process you find out about their invasive tracking slowly


The onboarding videos of the owner, Francis Pedraza, obsessively repeating how AI will make everyone "creative and strategic" is idiotically amusing


Slave wages, invasive tracking software, micromanaging, no benefits, no advancement, no work life balance
