
Need a bit of help here.

As it says in the title, I'm running an OceanWP themed site that uses RankMath for SEO purposes. According to RankMath's SEO-analysis, my site is missing H1 title tags, which obviously is a bummer.

So, I checked whether the H1 title tags are on in appearance -> theme -> general settings which they are. I then tried to look through the html in Chrome's dev tools, and couldn't spot any H1 tag - but I must admit I'm not adapt at using that tool.

It seems most likely that the H1 tags really are missing. But what can I do about it, since they should be on by default in the theme? Simply put in an extra H1 tag and title on each page? That would double them visually, and maybe even in the rendered html code, right?

This is the site in question: https://vbro-racing.dk/
