My doctor dismissed my depressive symptoms as PMS today.

Today I finally rang the doctors after a long three years of struggling on and off with my low mood, persistent crying, anxiety and stress. Over the past couple of months I have reached breaking point, it has had an effect on my relationship and my work life. I was really hoping for some blood work to see if a hormonal imbalance was the cause of this depression or something else. I was denied a hormonal test and this led to my doctor asking a bunch of personal questions and making me feel like I’m just a silly woman with a bit of PMS. I now have to document my cycle over the next two months even though I know that my mood has little correlation with my cycle and I’m feeling down most days whether I’m expecting my period or not. Every time I go to the doctors about anything, such as my acne or this, they also try to push the contraceptive pill on me. I don’t want the take the pill how many times do I have to tell them, surely that will have an even worse impact on my mental health than not taking anything? Does anyone else feel unseen and their problems dismissed as a woman?