Kimberly Arrington was a 16 year old 10th grade student at Jefferson Davis High School in 1998. She was actually described as a good girl. A bright student with good grades. She liked children, music and computers in 1998. She lived with her family in Montgomery Alabama. There was her father Walter, her mother, and her younger sister Jennifer residing in the home. Jennifer was 14 when Kimberly vanished.

On October 30th 1998, on his way to work, Walter and his daughter Kimberly talked about Christmas approaching and she already wanted to know about her gifts. This is the last time Walter ever saw his daughters face and heard her voice and he relived that day every day for years.

At some point after Walter had left for work at around 4 p.m. on October 30th Kimberly tells her mom she is going to walk to CVS for soda and candy. She asks her sister Jennifer to go with her but Jennifer didn't want to, for reasons she couldn't recall all these years later. This was the last time Jennifer and their mother ever saw Kimberly. The CVS was said to be located on Third Street and Forrest Avenue in Montgomery. It is not clear if Kimberly ever even made it to the CVS and she was reported missing after her parents searched for her themselves over several hours.

Because this was totally out of character for the good girl with good grades the family was immediately panic striken. Even when she was temporarily classified as a runaway due to her age, the family maintained she had never runaway and had no reason to. She was close with her family and friends.

It seems local authorities investigated by conducting dozen of interviews with family, friends and classmates. They also investigated local known sex offenders and questioned some. But because of her age they didn't suspect a child predator necessarily would have risked abducting an older aged child who could fight back. Her family certainly believes she was somehow abducted on her way to or from CVS.

Kimberly's mother died in 2005 without ever having answers to what happened to her daughter in 1998. But Kimberly's father and sister still seek answers to this day. Whatever those answers may be.

In believing the family that she was probably never a runaway I have to wonder what happened to 16 year old Kimberly Arrington on her way to the store for a snack in 1998?

If you have any information that may bring her family closer to answers please contact the Montgomery Alabama Police Department at 334-241-2790