Hey all,

I'm kind of shocked and...well...stuck. Frozen. My family doctor referred me to a psychologist when I talked about symptoms of possible PTSD from a trauma.

I finally got the appointment with the psychologist (a gray haired male).

He knew I was referred there for possible PTSD screening.

He opened the session asking how my sex life was. Seriously.

Then, I told him I had difficulty due to reasons, he suggested I "take a Benadryl" to "take the edge off" so I could have sex, which was apparently his main concern when he found out I'm in a hetero relationship

To me it sounded like he wanted me to have sex at the cost of maybe not being fully able to consent.

And due to reasons, I'm not sure how to take this - of he was really being inappropriate or if I'm just triggered and emotionally reacting... But I think I know the answer. I just couldn't face it at the time, because I was there for his help. I was just shocked, and pretended like it didn't faze me, due to it being in a clinical setting. But I was shocked and frankly, terrified due to other men I've known.

Maybe, if I can handle checking replies to this post later once I calm down more from this current thought cycle, I can give better details.