I have been struggling with heavy painful periods my whole life. I am also done having children and exploring sterilization by salpingectomy but would just say “just use hormonal BC sorry nothing else I can do” for the heavy periods, which I had tried in the past with poor outcomes. Then they’d tell me that I hadn’t tried it with them, or this new one, and they weren’t willing to explore more drastic measures until then.

This doctor listened. Then she made two columns on a piece of paper and said “these are your options for heavy periods” “these are your options for permanent sterilization” she then crossed off everything I said I had tried. The treatments that remained she started explaining how they would fit my situation or not, and within a couple minutes there were only a couple options left. She explained the risks and of each, and the answer was clear.

Then she scheduled it. And that was it. No hoops to jump through just validation, education and compassion on my path to treatment. I am so relieved.

I found her on the childfree sub’s list of doctors and highly recommend using that resource to find care even if you aren’t childfree.