i feel like i’m doing everything right. or at least trying to!

i started on zoloft less than 6 months ago and following that, i switched from the pill to the ring and noticed significant weight gain in just three months. i stopped my hormonal BC almost 2 months ago.

i figured it was my hormones, and since i’m in a monogamous relationship i stopped the pill as my bf is supportive and on board with other contraceptive measures.

i’m drinking more water, eating more protien, consuming less sugar (less calories in general). i walk a mile 2-3 times a week and i’m working on getting back into the gym. i’m even attempting 16-8 intermittent fasting.

since january of this year i’ve gained 25lb which puts me at 205lb (i am 5’5) which doesn’t seem like a lot, but from 18-24 years old, i only gained like 35lbs.

i feel crazy. i’m getting new stretch marks, im spilling out of my bras. i’m sickened with myself and i hate looking in the mirror. i don’t know how to express to my doctor that i don’t feel normal. i’ve had a couple of thyroid ultrasound and she assures me everything is “fine”.

is it all in my head? should i just keep fasting and force myself back into the gym? i don’t know anymore.