Hi everyone! This is my first post so bear with me. I (23F) and my fiancé (24M) are getting married in 2 weeks(!). We’ve been planning our wedding for the past year and a half and as a destination-ish wedding (getting married in northern Michigan, family is mostly from out of state) it’s been a long road, but we’re so excited to be this close. Onto the issue at hand: my dad (55M) has looped my fiancé and I in on his side of the family’s wedding weekend plans, and my sister/MoH (20F) noticed a few more names than who was invited. The extra names are my dad’s cousins kids (6-7 people), and were not invited to the ceremony or reception. This morning at 5 am, my dad texted me saying he’s sorry they’re bringing uninvited people but would it be possible to add an extra table at the reception for them. Now I want to preface that I am terrible at confrontation and conflict management, especially with family, but I feel like the asshole for telling my dad “no I will not be contacting catering or rental.” We’ve sent in final numbers to our vendors and I thought we made it pretty clear on our wedding website that uninvited guests cannot be accommodated. My dad tried for a bit to keep pushing me to contact them, given that he’s paying for this part of the wedding and would cover the extra cost. However my fiancé and I are really firm on our “no.” AITA?

UPDATE: Thank you all for the feedback, a lot has happened this morning in response to this and it’s been exhausting but the long and short of it is this was all a metric ton of miscommunication between myself and my fiancé, my dad, and my mom. I don’t want to get into it too much because it’s still pretty high emotions with us, but we’ve smoothed things over and everything will work out ok. My fiancé and I are still hurt by my relatives actions, but we are being heard and this whole fiasco looks like it’ll be resolved. Thank you all again for your advice and help! I’ll try to answer comments as best as I can!

EDIT/CONTEXT: Hi again y’all! I’ve been seeing some comments with some similar beats and thought I’d clear the air on some final things before I lay this to rest. 1) My dad is not paying for the full wedding/reception. Both my financés parents and my mom have also contributed financially to this wedding (extra context: my mom and dad are divorced). Our families are more traditional in that they both believe it’s the parents job to pay for the wedding. 2) This miscommunication bit boils down to my parents separately communicating about this issue and coming to an agreement, but my dad then coming to me later and making it sound like he’s asking for my permission/for me to resolve this. The long and short of it is we had already had a buffer built in to catering and the reception venue already had extra seats outside of the main dining area, so if need be there would be seating for, as my mom puts it, “unexpected scenarios.”tldr: my dad made a non-issue an issue. 3) We are not hiring security, but my step-dad did offer to wear a suit of armor to scare away any party crashers. Unfortunately it’s not on theme so had to nix that plan.