Edit: there's a lot of conflicting evidence as to when Anne miscarried, but it was not on KoAs death date. According to sources ive read it may have been her funeral? But it's also suggested that that might not be accurate either. So perhaps her burial date? I'll share my sources later today.

Due to how religious people in Tudor times were--Anne included--what do you think she was thinking when she miscarried on the day Katherine died? I know having a son was something they believed God bestowed upon them for religious reasons/the right to rule, and that one of the reason's Henry annulled his marriage with KoA was because of this, so I'm wondering what Anne thought about her situation losing a son on the day Katherine died.

Was she scared? Did she think God was punishing her?

Additionally, do we have any insight into how Anne was feeling during her downfall in general? I know Henry destroyed most things belonging to Anne, but I wanted to ask. Did she draw comparisons between herself and Katherine? Because they were so blatanly there.

Also I was watching this video titled "Anne Becomes Katherine" which showed the similarities of their downfall. I'd love to know what Anne's thoughts were: