Welp today just sucks as we were checking everything and packing everything up and I went to grab our passports I check their date and yep his is expired on April 1 of this year and We are supposed to leave tomorrow at 8:30 am and as I am typing this he’s on the phone trying to change our dates but we’ll end up paying more than we did and we don’t want to pay 12,000 more than we already paid we are trying to find someone take our place but the airline won’t call us back so we might just end up waisting money for nothing RIP our lives

Edit:me and my husband live in the us and we’re planning to go to Cancun, and I wouldn’t feel comfortable traveling alone I never have and never will unless I’m going to visit a friend And the trip is supposed to be for a whole week

Edit2: we’ve tried calling a 24 hour service but they all say we need to make an appointment in Dallas, Tex and we live in Austin Tex in order to get it but they are open Monday through Friday at 7 am Edit3: we did book this 2 months ago back when his passport was not expired and yes we are both idiots because neither of us checked before hand. We literally checked it today because we put it off to the side because we had formal emergencies such as my aunt being in the hospital for having a brain tumor so I apologize if other things were on my mind

Final edit : we did end up giving it to his parents. We had to wait 2 1/2 hours for the flight to tell him that we are changing it to two different people as well as contact Expedia so the issue has been resolved and instead of me and My Husband going it’s going to be my in-laws a.k.a. his parents thank you for all your suggestions and next time I will definitely double check his passport. It is my fault. Only my fault. I’m the one who should’ve looked at his passport sooner. Please don’t blame anything on My Husband . I know I had a lot on my mind because of my aunt in the hospital with a brain tumor, but I should’ve double checked when I packed two weeks ago.

Update: I did read all of your comments and I did show this post to My Husband and he totally agrees that it is his fault. I am not babying him. He works at a high stressful environment, doing what he does where as I have a more relaxed environment, Part of the reason he won’t let me travel on my own for a day is because he’s fearful that I would get kidnapped and sold off the black market so he wouldn’t be able to see me ever again so me traveling alone is out of the question. and we did try to go to a 24 hour passport service station, but they kept giving us the runaround and telling us that we need to go to Dallas or Houston in order to fix as fast as possible, but then they said that the fastest turnaround is two weeks. So it just seem like no matter what we tried we couldn’t find a solution for him to get his passport fixed, but we did ended up giving the tickets away to his parents, which I do not mind they have been very nice to me and they treat me like their daughter my Husband did let me know as well that we won’t be planning our next trip soon which I’m a little mad at but it’s all right. We need to get his passport situation fixed, but we did say we might look into going on a cruise.