Basically what the title say

Found out my husband cheated on me online and I was crying and shouting and my dad told my husband that next time he cheats, make sure he deletes evidence and be careful. (?!?!?!?!?)

He is a serial cheater himself.

My mum has suffered enough and I can not believe that's what he told my husband . My mum on the other hand, thinks that I should forgive my husband and not fight with him because his one year of online cheating is only online.

What kind of parents does this???????

MIL also told me that what his son did was just like looking through a sexy magazine.

How was it online cheating? He was on multiple dating apps and websites, had video calls where he masturbated and talked to women, had a different instagram and snapchat, saved nudes and saved a lot of screenshots of dating profiles, nudes, conversations and video calls, etc.

UPDATE: hi everyone, I appreciate all the comments and the messages. You have been very kind and supportive. Sorry for the late update, but I have finally came to a point where I can show you where I am right now.

The last year has been incredibly exhausting- all the pent up anger, rage and wanting to hurt him back just literally drained me. He was drained and I have never seen him age as fast, he gained so much weight because of stress and honestly as much as I want to be a good person, I cant help but tell him he deserves it loll. I could tell he is sorry and he regretted it, he took all those rage from me and never fought back. He also showed he changed- blah blah but I just realized there is no saving myself if I stay with him. I became the worst person in the world without the trust. I just couldn't have any peace of mind with him.

Since there is no divorce in my country, I filed for annulment. Luckily I didnt take his last name nor used his name for our son so everything has been smooth sailing. He, on the other hand, has to pay child support so there's that.

I have completely cut contact off him BUT he can still talk to his son provided that it's on my son's term, not his. He can only see him if my son wants too, not when it's convenient for him. My one and only rule tbh. They communicate through messages and calls, but I have nothing to do with him. (He is in the UK rn and I'm in Asia)

I sold my house and now living with my son by the beach. I have set up a small bed and breakfast house where I cook for my guests, host tours and meet new people everyday.

I am currently homeschooling my son, and having more day trips to explore islands and life experiences. We have been doing pottery, baking, cooking, painting, fishing and gardening. Honestly, I have never been happy. I still work as a Virtual assistant as my part time, just so I can save up money for my son's college, emergency funds etc.

It took a while and honestly I am happy where I am right now. I also decided to go low contact with my parents. I just message them every now and then to ask if they are okay. I just couldn't bring myself to cut them off completely.

Honestly im kinda scared to ever been in a relationship again. It's not my priority and I don't think it will ever happen. Its just how funny how I met this lovely guy from Austria. Cute wavy hair, piercing blue eyes, dazzling smile, very gentleman and he has been pursuing me although I told him initially that I need some time to process and heal and become myself again. Also warned him that I may end up just being single lol. I really like him tbh but im just scared right now. He was so understanding and told me he could wait for me. He also moved in Asia and bought a house a block away from mine LOL. He helps me out with my business. But yes, it's nice to have someone with new vibes I guess. But only time can tell...

I also made a lot of friends from all over the world, and have built a community. Being friends with the locals, and also started a free tutoring group for kids in my area every weeekend.

Life is good, may it heal me completely. Also shedding some hope to those who have been through hell like me. One door closes so you can find a bigger and better one. Hang in there.