This season was a part 1 and S4 seems to be part 2. I’m also taking into consideration that they shot these seasons back to back, which isn’t a common thing to do. I’m assuming there was one large script and everything was shot all together, or something to that affect.

While I agree with some of the takes I’ve read here, I think it’s only fair to reserve judgment until we see what unfolds in S4. I have a feeling there’ll be payoffs to things we feel didn’t get enough attention.

The major theme of how past trauma can define who you are if you let it take over you came to a pretty great checkpoint, not a resolve, imo in one episode and especially in the finale.


The entire season we have been seeing Carm relive the most traumatic moments in his career in the midst of him remembering why he fell in love with it in the first place. We watched him refuse to acknowledge this but instead lash out and become more closed off. The first time he truly tries to address it directly is when he sees Chef Winger at the funeral dinner. This conversation was one of the best in the series imo. You can read Carm racing thru a million thoughts and struggle to find the right words to say, yet Chef Winger equal parts softly and bluntly reminds him of his goal, that he accomplished it, and that he should move on in a tone that Carm is not at all used to dealing with. It stuns Carm, and I think that’s an expression/feeling we haven’t truly seen from him yet (maybe besides Fishes but it still felt different). We are left with him reading the review, with no idea yet how he reacts in the aftermath. Is he frazzled still from Chef Winger? Did Chef Terry break thru to him? Does he react in a different way now that he’s faced the person in his career(!!) that caused him the most trauma? We don’t know until next season.

As the season moves along, we are seeing Syd start to realize this isn’t exactly the partnership she thought she signed onto. We are also seeing that she is becoming part of the trauma cycle Carm is in, no matter how direct or indirectly he’s playing a part in or how aware of it he is he’s passing the trauma down. We see her try nicotine gum (I don’t believe we’ve seen her smoke before this), she becomes avoidant when pressed about the partnership agreement, in general I thought she was wearing her stress way more than before. Then all of a sudden she’s found herself in a tough position: stick with your guns at The Bear and hope to make the most of it with Carm, or become the sole creative head for the kitchen in a new space that, while she has a theoretically a bigger say, is a complete wild card that could also blow up in her face. While we have seen her have moments of stress get to her, we have never seen here have a panic attack which is where we left her. I thought the timing of it was key to note: in a group of industry people that she looks up to having a fun time, but also isn’t sure if she belongs truly. I thought this was a great place to leave her character while we wait for the final part of this story arc, we truly don’t know which way she’s leaning. Is she acknowledging it? Will she? We won’t know until next season.

Finally, Sugar’s labor. She is literally faced with her biggest trauma source during her biggest physical traumatic experience (albeit beautiful, the pain is still there). She started this day yelling at her mom to please calm down, and ended her time being in her mother’s arms listening to her recall how each Berzatto came into the world. Frankly, I thought after Fishes and the S2 finale we wouldn’t see this side of Mom. My opinion of her changed as she told each story, and it seems Sugar gains more and more respect for her as the labor and stories continue. We leave Sugar texting her mom a picture of the baby, trying to reopen the door to a “normal” relationship. She faced her trauma head on in a turbulent and hectic time, and came away with a new perspective of her mom. Will this continue to flourish into a rekindled relationship? Can Sugar forgive the past? We won’t know until next season.

Obviously this is just my own opinion, but I think we should hold back a bit on going hard critiquing S3 less than a week after it released. There’s a ton of story to tell still.