We've lived at my location for over five years, and every year its been the same process to renew, even through multiple buyouts at my location. The leasing company sends us our renewal pricing 30 days before our renewal date either in the mail or on our door, and we renew.

This year, we didn't get a renewal notice. My partner and I have been going into the office and calling them nearly every day to ask about it, and every single time they say "oh, we already sent them out, you didn't get one? We'll look into that." Then nothing. Sometimes they act like we're choosing to renew right then and there, and we keep having to tell them they haven't given us the pricing yet. The furthest we've gotten is an email with "lease renewal offer" that just leads to a web page that reads "offer pending." Its been pending for a week.

At this point we have just over two weeks before our usual renewal date. I'm considering talking to an attorney to go over my options because I'm not sure what else to do at this point. My partner and I were actually considering moving, or maybe going month to month to move in a few months, but all of that hinges on their new offer.

Is there something they're trying to pull here? I would think if they wanted to not renew they would have just told us. For context I'm in California.

UPDATE: Went in as soon as they opened today. Apparently their internet was out. Person there asked me if I really hadn't seen a renewal offer on my door or in the mail, because they'd already sent out the April offers. Told them I hadn't, and that I'd been told that before, and that every time we'd come in to ask about this we'd been told the office would look into it and then we'd never hear back.

They told me they'd be extending my decision time, and once the internet was back on they'd add my unit to their brand new resident portal.

I have today and tomorrow off and not much to do so I guess I'll keep poking at them and looking into my tenant rights options just in case. I probably shouldn't assume malice when incompetence would also explain it or whatever the saying is but no matter what this is still affecting me the same way. I have a number of other people I need to coordinate with depending on if or when we leave, this is the one bit of info we need to start planning.