Realization that I came to a couple weeks ago that I’m going to change once I get back from Spring Break. Since the pandemic I’ve been very lax with my deadlines. Basically I’ve had “due dates”, but kids could turn in work until the end of the marking period for credit. I was overwhelmed and changed it to end of unit. I found myself still overwhelmed, fearful of missing a turned in late email, etc. so when I come back from Spring Break I am planning on setting a due date for something and turning on the setting which disallows late submissions. I grade all my work at once. Then it’s done.

I realized this is actually beneficial for the kids. I have done a couple assignments with hard deadlines this year. Usually it was an end of unit project. The turn in rates on those assignments were higher than those than those with soft deadlines. So I’m going to run this experiment for the last quarter to prove my hypothesis correct that kids need deadlines. I’m very excited to see the results!