Hello Folks,

I currently own a '22 klr650 that I love dearly and ride the piss out of on a regular basis. Been riding with my buddies in twisties a bit and I definitely lag behind on my dad bike. Been kicking around the idea of maybe getting a used naked bike of some sort as a supplement.

Considerations: - I am 6'3" (230lb) - Live in southern california, commute through LA 2x/week and ride for fun on weekends. - In general I try to buy things with a reputation for reliability, I'll still cut maintenance intervals in half but I like stuff that will last to begin with.

Requirements: - Ideally in the 50-80hp, 600-700cc range. - Must be confortable for me to ride long distances at my height. - Cheap maintenane and replacement parts. - Easy to work on for someone with moderate mechanical skill and experience. - Preferably a bike with an established enthusiast community I can tap into when needed. - Aftermarket support (im an adv guy and I like my farkles)

Bikes I'm considering: - suzuki SV650 - yamaha XSR700/900 - yamaha FZ6 - honda CB650 - triumph trident