I see a lot of posts about people really struggling with nursing school/uni and I am sending you all my love, good vibes and the best luck! But is anyone loving nursing school? I start in January and I’m really looking forward to it, but all your posts scare me! I take some solace in the fact I’m in England and I think students are treated a little better here than the US, but I’m still terrified!

I just want to hear your positive stories!! 🥰

Edit: Ok, so lots of you are enjoying school, but there are a lot of you who really aren’t. Please remember how far you’ve come and what you have achieved!

What I have learned:

NURSING SCHOOL IS NOT THE SAME AS NURSING. Nursing school WILL end and working as nurse is much better/easier because you aren’t expected to know absolutely everything about the profession.

It’s all worth it for the good days/great patients.

Time management can be the difference between enjoying school and wanting to die.

You must take time for YOU. It’s easy to let yourself get overwhelmed and for school to consume you. You can’t look after others if you don’t look after yourself.