Selling the OC

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New SellingtheOC Sub RulesMessage from the Oppenheims
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  5. No armchair diagnosis. Any speculation about mental health, substance abuse, or sexuality will not be allowed. As viewers, we are only given a small preview into contestant’s lives, and therefore we are not qualified to make any assessments about them in regards to the aforementioned topics. Any speculation will be removed.
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Pinnedby RelativelyGModeratorOn a confidence scale from one to 10, I’m a fucking 15.
When Will Alex Hall Read the Signs?

For a self-proclaimed empath, Alex Hall has an incredible lack of self-awareness. She is deluding herself into thinking she has a future with Tyler. Hall is a single mother who wants to get remarried. But she’s wasting time with Tyler, a ridiculous man-child who cheated on his ex-wife and was involved with multiple coworkers.

Hall claims that Ty Ty is giving her mixed signals but is he? Hall keeps saying Tyler’s words and actions don’t align, so what other signal does she need? Tyler’s clear and consistent signals are that he’s an unreliable git who is just not that into her. Hall is Tyler’s ticket to a chaotic storyline and more screentime.

The biggest sign? Tyler claims he wants to get married and have kids, but you know what? He never says that he wants to get married to HALL and all of his actions lineup with that fact. Hall is not the one. And she should be thankful because Tyler is no catch (unless tall, vapid, and rich are qualities you admire.)

The real question is why in the world Hall want a man like Tyler to be her husband and stepfather to her children?

Hall is genuinely an unlikable person, and if she really gave up on her reliable, emotionally available, emotionally mature boyfriend for a fckboy like Tyler, it really makes me believe in the law of karma. [Various edits for clarity.]

Trying to find the song playing at the end of S3 E8

Part of the lyric is: you keep pulling me in just to push me out. I try, I try, I try, I try. I’ve Googled it and couldn’t find it.

My take on Sean/Austin

My opinions on Sean v Austin:

-Sean is telling the truth. He has NO reason to lie and for people saying it’s to get screen time, he left the office after this season. I honestly feel so bad for him. You can also tell a difference in personalities in the fact that he’s not actually NASTY in the way some of the others are (eg Tyler/Austin/Polly will say sentences that are actually very very nasty and will probably affect people’s confidence for a while)

-Sean came with the receipts and his story fully lines up. Austin keeps saying “my daughters were upstairs” but screenshots show they were at his parents’…

-Austin and his wife are weird anyway and have a very strange dynamic, they seem very resentful of one another. I just don’t trust them. I also really question Austin’s emotional bandwidth as he seems completely detached from his daughters emotionally

-Tyler in season 3 is actually very nasty and mean, really dissapointed by this as he seemed like a nice guy in season 1. This was really clear in the S3E3 scene in the way he spoke to Sean and also how he spoke to Sean at the bonfire. Sean was cheeky saying “dad?” but also it’s just banter and Hall could have easily said that with no consequence. It’s a joke that (seemed to) unintentionally cross a line, which we’ve all done let’s be honest

-I think Jarvis actually knows Austin and his wife are into experimental sexual stuff which is why she defends Sean. I think her and Austin have a silent agreement not to explicitly state this but they both have accidentally been in the same circles for this kind of thing. She can’t say this because she’s exposing herself and Austin knows this. Also explains why he and his wife saw her at a “creepy party”

the night we made cookies!!

everyone else agrees that was so faked and planned right? like who just says that? seemed so staged

Gio’s top secret genius listing strategy

What is it?!? Wrong answers appreciated, but also genuinely curious what on earth he’s talking about


I just finished S3 today and while I’m sure it’s been greatly debated and discussed already, here are some of my thoughts on Sean.

⚫️ I don’t believe Sean or Austin. I think they both are hiding something but Sean’s version seems less believable. ⚫️ Sean did not drop Polly as he said, it was the other way around. ⚫️ Sean’s Texts from Tyler are not showing the full story. ⚫️ It’s convenient how a lot of the conversations happened “on the phone” where there isn’t a way to prove what he is saying. ⚫️ Sean did say to Austin when they fought outside that they tried to drug him, then acts like he’s never heard it at the track...shady and false. I think he even said it at lunch with Kayla, Jarvis, and Ali. ⚫️ Kayla has no reason to lie about what Sean said and I don’t think she would. But did we see how quickly Jarvis did? Definitely fake. ⚫️ Sean constantly thinks everyone is flirting with him or trying to get with him and that is obviously not the case.

Why are they all hating on Jarvis and Rose? (S1)

Late to the boat but why does everyone hate on Jarvis and Rose? I haven’t seen anything in the season explaining all the hate towards them??? I feel like they are right for many reasons as well (when Jarvis stood up for Kayla in the team meating wheb Hall was condescending and on the boat when they adressed the double standard Tyler situation) and lile Tyler coming in and saying they’re wrong. Like am I not seeing something or???

Hilarious podcast where Hall calls herself a ‘feminine woman’ that a ‘true masculine man should want’

I saw a snippet of this pathetic podcast she featured on called Basement Talk on TikTok. She says that she’s a ‘boss babe’ out of survival after her divorce and that started turning men off completely, and they preferred her when she was a ‘struggling mom who wasn’t working’ because she was more feminine then. But ultimately she doesn’t want to be a boss babe and that’s not who she truly is and she wants a true masculine man to recognise that in her and let her be feminine again 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Last I checked, being a bullying, aggressive, backstabbing and homewrecking menace aren’t exactly feminine qualities.

Finished Season 3...Oppenheim Group is toxic as hell and I don't know if I can believe Sean.

Like does this company not have HR? And why did Jason just leave during that argument between Sean and Tyler? Why not diffuse the situation?

During the last episode Sean mentioned he hasn't spoken to Austin and Tyler in weeks, but a few scenes before that Tyler showed a text Sean sent to him to Gio and Austin (like make it make it sense). And I get where Kayla is coming from wondering if Sean is telling the full truth. Him not remembering that he said there was a dinner threw me off a bit cause, unless I'm not recalling correctly, he did mention a dinner at Austin's and edibles.


Someone mentioned to watch the interview Sean had with ET news. Side note, I don't watch the show all in one sitting, so there were a few things that I forgot like, as some ppl mentioned, Polly being the one who started the rumor about the weed cookies and dinner (which was shown in the interview). So, I did not recall correctly about Sean stating that. With Polly being the one saying it, yeah I never believed anything she said.

Also, I don't think Netflix edited episode 3. This isn't to say that Netflix can't do it, cause I've heard it happen with other things in the past. But in this case, I doubt it.

S. 2 E.6

I think the biggest difference in the women on this show is that some value themselves as supportive women who don’t rely on the male gaze and the other half thrives off the male gaze and will disregard any other women to be selfish to that insecure need. What do you think?

Alex Hall Almost Adulting Podcast: The Tyler Takeaways

Okay I’ve seen a couple of post about this but nobody has really given much detail on what was actually said surrounding the Tyler drama. So I took one for the team because I wanted to hear Hall’s side just for context. Whether or not I believe all of it is another thing because there is evidence of Tyler publicly acknowledging his girlfriend right at the beginning of 2023, but when it comes to Tyler’s character as a person, she seems to be hitting on what everyone on here has been saying since Season 1.

  1. When asked if Hall thinks Tyler cheated in his marriage she says that while she doesn’t think that he cheated while he was married, Tyler was someone who lacked a backbone and was bad at setting clear boundaries and that this would get him into trouble. While she didn’t think he was a bad person his lack of boundary setting and inability to stand up or speak up in conflict made him look like an asshole.

  2. Hall couldn’t understand why everyone pinned everything on her as the other woman after the Call Her Daddy Podcast and pointed out the fact that Kayla tried to seduce Tyler and Polly made out with him but everything was pinned on her.

  3. Hall claims that at a birthday bash Brittany had thrown for Tyler that the cast attended, that she’d had a conversation with Brittany in a corner and that Tyler wasn’t comfortable with them speaking and that he apparently told Hall that Brittany was digging for information about filming.

  4. Hall claims that because they only ever heard Tyler’s side of his relationship with Brittany they didn’t really know what was going on and that allegedly he had told them early on during Season 1 while they were “trauma bonding” that apparently Brittany had told him she wanted a divorce because he was doing the show.

  5. Hall again reiterates her interest in Alpha males by saying that Tyler’s energy or persona is not what she’s into, that she likes strong confident masculine energy and Tyler was very much friend zoned during Season 1. She said production pushed them into those situations.

  6. Hall claims that when they were filming Tyler was one way with her, but when the cameras stopped rolling, he pretty much would stop or reel back on communicating with her.

  7. Hall says that she discovered after they finished filming Season 3 information about Tyler that made her understand why he was so hot and cold with her. When the host said he had a girlfriend, Hall doesn’t say yes or no but says maybe, and that she found this information out from someone else. She said that this made sense to her that Tyler couldn’t be seen with her outside their reality tv bubble or else someone else would find out.

  8. She said that since Season 1 the cast would often go for drinks or dinner after filming since the days were so long, but after they filmed the hot tub scene in Season 2 when they went for drinks after filming, Tyler kept her at arms length. This was after her had literally made out with her in a hot tub.

  9. Hall claims that she got sent a message of a screenshot that apparently laid everything out and she confronted Tyler about it and he admitted that whatever was in the screenshot was all true.

  10. Hall says that Tyler tried to put it back on her that she was dating someone else at that time too but Hall says Tyler knew about the guy she was dating because she was open about it the entire time since she and Tyler weren’t exclusive.

  11. She says and stands by that she was not the other woman and has never been the other woman.

  12. Hall says that if there were things that were upsetting to Tyler’s wife surrounding their marriage then her feelings are valid. And that she takes accountability for her actions (she doesn’t elaborate on what actions she takes accountability for).

  13. Hall says that Tyler was living a double life. She believes that Tyler used her and the narrative for more screen time and that contrary to his constant statements about not wanting to be in the public eye, he chose women that were in the public eye, and that she joked with him at one time that he was only interested in her because of being on the show and that all of his exes have been in the spotlight. (Side not for those who don’t know, before Brittany Snow, Tyler was in a relationship with Jessica Lowndes who was on the 90210 reboot back in the mid to late 00’s and mostly does Hallmark/Lifetime movies now).

  14. Hall says that while Tyler claims he doesn’t like the spotlight his actions prove otherwise. She doesn’t know if it’s something he does intentionally or if it’s a subconscious thing he’s unaware of but he does like it.

  15. Hall claims that no one in the cast knew that Tyler was dating someone else.

  16. She said that the cast, along with their husbands/wives, went to Palm Springs after they had finished filming Season 3 (this is the trip the cast took right when Season 2 dropped where they did a livestream from the pool to celebrate its release) and that Tyler was acting normal with her and even participated in live streams etc when usually he wouldn’t. It was during this trip that Hall received the text with the screenshot. The screenshot is allegedly a text message from Tyler’s girlfriend to Hall’s friend.

  17. Hall says she was sitting on the couch with Tyler when she got the text and that Tyler confirmed everything in the text is true but that Tyler’s girlfriend didn’t even know what had been filmed as the show hadn’t dropped yet and that his girlfriend was more or less in the dark about Season 2 and what had been filmed for Season 3.

  18. Hall lets the host read the text and the host accidentally blurts out something that she quickly tries to cover which basically insinuated that Tyler had been living with his girlfriend during this time.

  19. By this point when asked point blank if Hall thinks Tyler is capable of infidelity she says yes, and when asked again if she thinks Tyler may have cheated on Brittany Snow, Hall says there aren’t enough hours in the day but that clearly he’s capable of it (based on everything she had said prior).

  20. Hall says an hour after she got the text and confronted Tyler he was like are you okay? And she was like are you a sociopath and that his girlfriend must be nuts, which apparently her friend that sent her the screenshot of the text said that she is. At which point Hall is like Tyler is always the common denominator.

  21. Hall later says that she believes Tyler is a repeat offender when it comes to living a double life and that it’s possible what Tyler was doing with her and his girlfriend, he was probably doing the same thing when he was married to Brittany Snow in the sense that he was living one life in a reality bubble and another in real life.

  22. Hall wonders if she and Brittany Snow need to have a conversation about what went down because she doesn’t know if Brittany actually thinks she’s the other woman.

The conclusion they come to is that Tyler is a piece of shit and that the show was a blessing because it allowed Brittany Snow to dodge a bullet and Hall to skirt by him and Hall said she feels sorry for his girlfriend.

Thoughts on Hall’s Almost Adulting Podcast

I didn’t post my thoughts on the podcast in the previous post just because A). It was already a super long post and B). Because I wanted the post to just be about what Hall said so people could come to their own conclusions. So here is what I actually think from listening to the podcast.

Side note: The host openly admits at the top of the podcast that she initially disliked Hall after watching the show and believed that Hall was problematic with Tyler but that they eventually met and she got to know Hall and now her opinion on her has completely changed and they’re practically podcast besties! Also, the host is a horrendous interviewer.

  1. Hall continues to push her narrative of how Tyler is not her her type and that when it comes to men she likes an Alpha. Someone with strong masculine energy and she often uses this as a means to talk down Tyler and to talk around whether or not she was attracted to him. And this might have held up if it wasn’t for the fact that throughout the podcast she talks about how she was bamboozled by Tyler and she never knew where she stood with him and that he kept her dangling on a line. If Hall really wasn’t into Tyler or wasn’t attracted to his energy, why waste 2 years of your life trying to figure out if maybe there was something there?

  2. While Hall is a lot more forgiving towards Brittany Snow and her situation compared with how hostile she was during Season 3 press, it feels very much like it’s coming from a place of trying to mitigate the reaction she got because of how she reacted after the Call Her Daddy podcast.

  3. Hall never takes accountability for her behaviour towards Tyler. About mid way through the podcast she tries to come across as empathic towards Brittany by saying that Brittany was valid in her feelings with regards to what happened in her marriage, yet while Hall does say she takes accountability for her actions, she doesn’t actually elaborate on what actions she’s holding herself accountable for and the host never queries her on it.

  4. Hall “holding herself accountable” literally comes after she tosses Kayla and Polly under the proverbial bus when Hall is absolving herself of being labelled as the other woman.

  5. There has never been any evidence of Brittany interacting with any of the cast or having any desire to and Hall claimed in a podcast after Season 1 dropped but before Tyler’s separation had been announced that she had met Brittany at an event with Tyler (which I think was in LA but I’m not 100% sure) and that they had said hello but they didn’t really hangout. Now she’s saying that they had a whole conversation at Tyler’s birthday. While this could be interpreted as Hall not wanting to spill the beans previously about the troubles in Tyler’s marriage prior to the announcement, it’s strange that she’s waited this long to offer that information up, especially when she was the one who told Brittany to speak from the chest.

  6. Hall repeatedly talks about how she’s an empath and that she gives people a lot of grace and tries to reason that peoples misconception of her is based on the fact that she wears a lot of hats and she’s a boss woman. But considering this is all sprinkled around everything above, it’s hard to take that seriously. Especially since it seems Hall’s “I’m just a misunderstood single mom” attitude comes into play after she’s been called out for her behaviour or painted in a bad light.

  7. Hall’s narrative surrounding Tyler should have been a bombshell, and probably could’ve been or is to people who haven’t been keeping up with the cast between seasons. But the fact that Hall is claiming she didn’t know about Tyler’s girlfriend when there was evidence of her existence on his public Instagram and in the tabloids from Jan 2023 onwards makes the whole point null and void.

  8. A lot of what Hall brings up surrounding Tyler’s gf had been speculated on by Deux Moi. Several anonymous posts had claimed that Tyler had a gif for all of Season 2 and that he had been living with her. So the idea that Hall couldn’t have known and that it was that easy for Tyler to keep her in the dark doesn’t make sense. Especially when in the same podcast where Hall is claiming she knew nothing, Hall also claims that OC is a small place and word gets around.

  9. Tyler’s girlfriend allegedly sent the text to a friend of Hall’s. So again we’re back to Hall not knowing but OC being such a small place that she and Tyler’s gf know people in common.

  10. While it’s clear Tyler made a concerted effort to keep his reality tv life and his real life separate, it seems ridiculous to think that people who where with Tyler knew nothing about his secret relationship when Tyler wasn’t actively hiding it on social media. The man literally posted a story of himself with his girlfriend on a hike with a flaming heart emoji for Valentines Day and you mean to tell me that not even the office gossip Polly was aware of this? E! News literally posted about it!! And this was before the filmed the hot tub scene.

  11. Everything she says about Tyler’s character feels like it was lifted straight out of the court of public opinion and Hall tries to pass it off as her suddenly having an epiphany.

  12. It feels like Hall is trying to mirror Brittany Snows commentary where Brittany said that she overlooked a lot of things because she was in love, but with Hall it’s like she’s trying to claim she didn’t see a lot of things because Tyler was messing with her head so much by keeping her on a hook.

In conclusion, while Hall makes a decent effort of telling “her truth”, but if you aren’t inclined to believe her in general, you’re unlikely to be swayed by the podcast. It all felt very much like an image repair PR session. Gone is the Alex Hall who refused to apologise for her behaviour and called out Brittany Snow and in her place is a version of her that claims she was bamboozled by a man and is trying to be more sympathetic towards Brittany Snow.

I don’t get the Sean praise

I’ve not finished S3 yet so maybe there’s something I’ve not seen that’ll change my mind, but Sean just bothers me. He bitches to people then seems to get defensive about it when they pull him up.

Not that anyone else on this show is any better, I guess!

I am not sure I like Brandi…

I don’t know if I am interpreting things wrong, but so far (end of second season), I don’t like Brandi. Brandi wants to give her opinion & if people don’t like it, she gets angry and don’t want to be friends of them anymore. She gives people a hard time if they make a mistake & won’t speak to them. Then people see her acting uncomfortable and they try to talk to her and she is like “ I am good” when clearly she isn’t. Then, people get tired of trying to speak to her and she gets angry because they are not talking to her… She claims she doesn’t care about any drama, but she keeps involving herself in the drama. I am confused. What’s the purpose of it all? What’s everyone thoughts because I am very confused.

OC is NOT a small Town

Someone needs to say it. Season one …. Just No! They keep saying Orange County is a small town.

The population of Orange County is over 3,186,989 people making it the third-most-populous county in California.

It is the second-most-densely-populated county in the state behind San Francisco County.

I just cringe when Jason and the other cast member’s keep saying OC is a small town.

The county's three most-populous cities are Anaheim, Santa Ana, and Irvine. Each of which has a population exceeding 300,000.

Does that sounds like a small town to you?

I’m born and raised in Orange County and I wish they would stop putting wrong information out there on this show. Season 2 Jason mentioned again how small OC is.
Just stop lol we are not a small county by any means.

Opinions about the show

I've been loving the 'Selling (blank)' shows but this is the most annoying one I've come across. We all know that reality is staged and/or exaggerated but it's irritating to watch how the cast blows things out of proportion so fast just to make sure there's a conflict. Mainly any arguments including Alex Hall, and now Ali seems to be putting fuel on fires too.

And it's weird how they seem to just discard each other for a few episodes then have some 'heartfelt' teary conversation to make up.

What work do these people have done? They’re so hot 🔥

Wondering as a mom of 3 young children. I work out 4-5 days a week and am fairly fit. But these people are so hot. What work do we think they did to get “camera ready”.

What’s the beef with Ali Harper?

I feel like I see a lot of hate towards her and I’m not 100% sure why. I mean, she’s not selling homes… but then again, most of the “agents” aren’t 😂. I always thought she gave “sorority girl from Alabama state” vibes mixed with “I haven’t done coke but if you do it, I won’t judge you… to your face” energy… but nothing really glaringly negative. Please enlighten me.