this happened today, 5/19, on greenwood ave between 87th & 85th right around verity credit union

to the tall person (I assume you're a man, but maybe you identify as something else) with the longish, dark curly hair who literally caught me as I tripped over my own feet after turning the corner and seeing you: THANK YOU 😅

you asked me if I was okay and I meant to say "yes, thank you. (+ a smooth line about how you swept me off my feet)," but I was so frazzled that I'm not 100% sure on what words actually came out of my mouth. I was so embarrassed that I essentially ran away.

If it weren't for you I'd have def faceplanted into the sidewalk...but then again, if it weren't for you maybe I wouldn't have tripped over my own feet to begin with...

me: black, my hair was pulled back in a bun with a bright green headband, grey glasses and an oversized grey/black flannel

again: thanks 🤓