Hello, I am a first time mum to a newborn, and I was always planning to bring him home to visit family when he’s about 6 months old. However, in light of the recent incidences of severe turbulence, I have been riddled with anxiety and indecision. Hopefully this sub can help me. The flight I am planning to take is long, up to 18.5 hours.

A few questions:

(a) with the recent incidences of severe turbulence, what do you think the risk of facing severe turbulence is per flight?

(b) what are the odds that my 6 month old does not survive an incident of severe turbulence if he’s (i) placed in a bassinet throughout the flight or (ii) placed in a car seat throughout the flight?

(c) if we were to place the baby in a car seat, should we, and how long do we, take the baby out of the car seat every 2 hours (presumably carrying the baby during that break from the car seat and exposing him to risks from a severe turbulence event)?

Thank you in advance!