I have way too much time on my hands

I hope I’m not beating a dead horse but since everyone was talking about eye colors, I decided to conduct some research (this took me like 2 hours😭)

I was curious to check just how over presented blue eyes are amongst the Romance Club love interests. Shout out to the wiki, it provided most of the information about eye colors.

Okay let’s get started:

Sample size: There are 269 love interests, this includes both endgame and casual love interests. Love interests who have multiple sprites, King Louis, Prince Phillipe, Richard, Stephanie, etc. are treated as separate entities so all their sprites are included in that number.

Out of the 269 love interests, there are 172 white love interests and 97 POC love interests.

As many people have noted, blue eyes are the most abundant, with 91 love interests having blue eyes. Within this number, 13 POC characters have blue eyes.

Next up is brown eyes, with 85 love interests in total having them. Within this number, 52 POC characters have brown eyes.

Then for green eyes, 34 love interests in total have them, and 13 POC characters.

For gray eyes, 18 love interests in total, and 4 POC characters.

Black eyes are tied in number with gray eyes, also having 18 in total, with 14 POC characters having them.

Red eyes, which most vampires, demons and aliens have, account for 11 characters in total.

Then hazel eyes, with 7 total, and one POC character.

2 characters have heterochromia, Noe (brown and blue) and Onyx (blue and green).

The rest are 1 yellow (War), 1 purple (Andvari) and 1 orange (Loid).

And that’s that! Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk😅. Let me know if you guys would want me to do a similar count but with the main character sprites.