
r/RomanceClubDiscussion3.6K subscribers11 active
On the rules, the content of this subreddit and still looking for modsMods

Hello everyone, I'm the creator of this subreddit. Since more people have been joining this subreddit and all subreddits have rules, here they are (althought not restrictive rules because no one likes those) but rules of basic respect. And also I want to specify what kind of content is allowed here.

-Main rule and rule that cannot be unbroken under any circumstance: No hate speech (this is the main rule, freedom of speech doesn't equal hate speech). Bigotry and condoning bigotry (racism, sexism, misogyny, LGBTQphobia, chauvinism, racial and gender discrimination, machismo and others) is not allowed here, condoning it even in fiction leaves a bad taste in the mouth. You can like bigoted characters while not condoning nor defending their bigoted actions.

-Thrist posts are perfectly fine and allowed, this means that if you wanna share your thrist over a character, you can do it freely here. (Like for example content like Connor meme is perfectly allowed).

-NSFW is ok from time to time as long as it's NOT p0rn with real people and it has to ALWAYS be correctly marked as NSFW.

-MEMES are allowed and not marked as "low effort", I know many of you spent a good deal of your time making those memes so marking them as "low effort" feels disrespectful tbh. And as some of you have mentioned, memes are an important part of a fandom and we deserve to have memes in English too, not only in Russian. Due to the censorship of memes in the other place, we have very little RC memes in English.

-Tiktoks are allowed too as long as they're RC related and videos are also allowed as long as they're RC related. Same logic as with the memes, marking videos as low effort is disrespectful.

-Content or inside information you've found on VK, telegram or another Russian source is allowed to be shared here, so long you post it providing the translation, if it's a picture, you can translate it with Yandex or with another translation page/app for pictures. This is so we can all understand.

-You can talk about RC authors freely here. Either news or about the way they handle things in their stories, if that's allowed on VK groups, why not here?

-Unpopular opinions and rants are allowed here too.

-You don't have to adhere to a specific schedule to post your thoughts, theories ideas, rants here. You can post them whenever you want.

-Moodboards, fanarts and edits are of course allowed too, sharing the source of the artist if it's not your work.

-If you want to post any kind of self-promotion here, ask the mods first. I generally accept because it's important to help new communities grow but ask me first, asking first denotes basic respect.

-Use English when posting and commenting here please. This is so we can all understand. It's ok if you think your English is not good, English is also not the native language of many people here therefore many of us understand the struggle. So do give it a try and use English here so that we all can understand each other and your English can improve the more you use it!

-The option to add pictures and gifs in the comments is enabled!

-Tag as spoilers where appropriate. Some people don't mind spoilers but let's be mindful of the ones who do. You can spoiler tag using > ! spoiler goes here ! < (without spaces)

HEAD UP: As you know, this is a place where you can express opinions that you cannot share in the other sub so you might see people calling out some problematic character you may like or some story, or some problematic author or some problematic fandom behavior here (ATTENTION: I said FANDOM behavior, NOT targeted attack to a specific person, trageted and individual attacks to a specific person is NEVER allowed). So what does fandom behavior mean? It's a COLLECTIVE problematic behavior you've seen repeatedly in a fandom, like for example: downplaying people who feel uncomfortable about certain LI undressing MC without her consent (and getting defensive if others mention it), downplaying and or celebrating s|xual harass|ment 'jokes' or even r|pe 'jokes', favoritism from authors to certain LIs, mods of the og sub deleting or removing comments and posts for the sole reason that they disagree with said opinions, those are examples of problematic fandom behaviors, often times we stumble with that kind of behaviors in a fandom (I've stumbled with those behaviors in the og sub) and often times we'd like to vent about it or let it out with people who understand. This is NOT a cult for certain problematic characters (that would defeat the purpose of this subreddit because it would make us the same as the other), and no one is really against dark themes in fiction either but if people see something problematic about a character, a story, an author or a fandom behavior, they're free to call it out here and others are free to disagree but not to attack, insult nor get defensive, basic respect should be maintained on both sides. For this reason it's always best to keep things impersonal when calling out these themes.

If you have any suggestions about what other rules I can add let me know! And I'm still looking for mods who can help me because this is my first subreddit and I really don't have a lot of idea but I'm willing to learn. Also if you can share this community with other people who would be interested in joining us, that'd help a lot!

EDIT: I've also created flairs for the community and the stories too!

EDIT: We have a new mod, it's u/Aranel1308!

A heads up for everyone, please read:

Reddit filters are removing posts and comments containing links to Russian websites for some reason I don't know. I have tried to look for ways to get them approved automatically but nothing seems to work (this is my first subreddit so idk much about automod). So whenever you wanna post a Russian link, please tag a mod so we can approve it manually!

And it's preferable not to post the link in the body of the post because it automatically removes the whole post altogether. It's very annoying reddit does this but I've just encountered a bunch of removed posts containing those links and approved them manually.

If anyone knows how to fix this please let me know!

May Update SurveyDiscussion

Hello fellow RC fans!

Here's the new update survey. I tried to change the scenes question to be actual scenes instead of character names, hopefully it makes sense to all of you, but either way I hope you have fun answering it and reminiscing on this great update.

It should be open for 2 weeks, after which I'll post the results.


Pinnedby hyufss
Amala or Devi?Discussion

Wich one of the MC's of the Kali books you guys prefer? For me personally even tho theres only one book i prefer Devi, not that i hate Amala or anything but i like that Devi has all of this political responsibilities and has to be a strategist while her land is being colonized and the Dozen are.... Messy to say the least, and also Devi doesn't run away Every. F*cking. Time. I know that is for the plot move on, but in the second book to the third It gets really tiring, again i don't hate Amala but if i was in the squad i would beat the crap out of her like "Stay close to us at least once!" I romance Killian and i'm surprised his hair didin't fall down cause of the stress i put him trough

Q&A with AlexandraSpoilerHeaven's Secret - Requiem

Interview with Alexandra, screenwriter of the story “The Secret of Heaven - Requiem.”

Friends, we welcome you to our modest interview with the beautiful Alexandra, take some goodies, pour some drinks and enjoy your reading!

Hello, first of all I want to congratulate you on the successful start of your story! Our interview is also exciting in the second update, filled with plot twists. How does it feel?)

  • Hello! Thanks a lot! I have a lot of experiences) both pleasant and exciting. And there are still many things and moments that I want to think through better. Therefore, my whole life now consists of thoughts about the next episodes. Sometimes I get distracted and realize that several days have already passed, which for me have merged into one. Because of this, it seems that everything that is happening is some kind of derealization.

Let's start with the questions that we dedicated to you; we and the players are interested in learning more about you! Please tell us how you started working at the Romance Club?

  • I responded to the vacancy and was selected. This is not the first time I auditioned for the Kyrgyz Republic)

Many screenwriters have rituals before starting work. Do you have anything similar, in general, how do you get ready for work?

  • Ideally, it would be great to remain in silence and solitude, light an incense stick, dim the lights and play music suitable for the moment that needs to be described. But I never wrote Requiem like that) In reality, you have to work in less rosy conditions, and the main ritual is to open your eyes in the morning.

Can you share a photo of your desk/where you work?

  • I already posted a photo of a laptop and a sofa in Tg: I have to constantly walk back and forth and look for a place where it will be calmest.

Do you play yourself and what are your favorite stories and favorites in them?

  • I'm interested in watching what happens in all the stories, but I don't play much of anything. I prefer to watch discussions, read reviews, see what impressed the players, which of the favorites I like best and why. I want to be aware of everything, so I go through the update highlights.

What do you like to do in your free time? Maybe you have some hobbies?

  • In short, I draw and come up with stories. Now my whole head is filled with Requiem, my hobby at the moment is to think about how and what would be better to do in it.

Where do you get your inspiration from?

  • From games, music, books, films, comics. If the author has put a message into his work or has worked hard on the atmosphere, then this will always find a response inside, and will give rise to his own thoughts, making him start reasoning. My work often begins with a question. For example, what if a stalker gets his own stalker? And so on. A thought, a feeling, an interest appears - it could be some kind of fleeting feeling in which you want to stay, linger, which you want to develop.

What kind of music do you like to listen to?

  • There is no specific style or genre, I like individual tracks. I divide playlists by year; this option is very convenient for me. They mix openings from anime, lyrics to films, tracks from musicals and operas, classics, popular songs from TikTok and God knows where else songs taken from.

Do you have any pets?

  • Yes, my crazy favorite cat.

What is your favorite movie/anime genre? What can you recommend to watch?

  • It’s the same as with music: I like very different things in different genres. From “Monster” to “Ouran High School Dating Club” if we talk about anime and from “Bratz” (and I’m talking about the film right now) to the conditional “Lobster”. Like the black and pink house meme. If I recommend something from films, then probably “Helter Skelter”, from anime – “Let’s Play!”, from animation – “Moonbeam City”.

The Romance Club team is scattered all over the globe, are you used to different time zones? Or do you have certain working hours that are mandatory for everyone?

  • I don’t have a time difference with the guys who work from the office, so I don’t have any problems.

As a content consumer, how do you feel about glass storylines?

  • Great. But, if I’m already in a sad mood, I’ll prefer not to finish myself off and choose something easier.

Do you love winter yourself?

  • Yes very. Summer is harder for me to cope with... But I love and romanticize all seasons, it makes life easier and more interesting for me.

We slowly move into questions about the story itself and its development :) How long did it take to develop the story?

  • If you count from zero to the release itself, then a little more than four months.

Were you involved in the development of Requiem from the very beginning, or were there any other options in the pitches?

  • There were no other options.

Which existing characters do you find the most difficult and easiest to write?

  • Problems happen to everyone. At some moments I know exactly what the character should say and how, and sometimes everything gets out of control and leads to something strange. If I managed to relax and accumulate some kind of resource within myself, then the characters speak easily and simply. If the days have been hard and I’m empty inside, God save me and help me.

Did the fact that this universe already existed help in the development? Or, on the contrary, was it difficult to comply with the already written “laws”?

  • It's 50/50 here. On the one hand, it’s convenient that you already have the basics, on the other hand, you’re afraid of missing out or forgetting something. It’s scary to invade someone else’s world and behave like a barbarian there. But thanks to the fact that Alice is always ready to help and explain everything, I feel more confident.

Which character is most similar to you in character?

  • Brat. My daily states fit the meaning of this word well.

To get a more detailed picture, in what period of the CH2 timeline do the CH2 events take place? Or, is this all after the final of CH2?

  • The events of SNR take place after the finale of SNR2.

Dmitry and Anna are from Russia?

  • We'll learn more about the characters' backgrounds in the story, so I'll keep it quiet for now.

How long ago did eternal winter begin in Rotkov? Judging by the text, there is no longer a warm season there.

  • Rotkow has always been a cold and alienated place, but after the events of CH2, cataclysms came to earth that changed the climate. These changes will play a role in the plot and very soon.

Why did Rotkov become the last outpost? After all, there is a place where Dmitry’s detachment came from.

  • Rotkov is the northernmost city in Siberia. There are other surviving cities to the south of it, but if you go north from it, you will no longer find settlements. The detachment dubbed the city an outpost, meaning its significance as an advanced point, a kind of fortified place.

Could someone from the SN cast be flying somewhere far away? Can we meet them? In theory, Malbonte, for example. Would you like this?

  • If someone just flew by in the background, it would be a wonderful meme!

Are those immortals we have already seen former Unrecognized or not? Perhaps history introduces us to something new regarding the appearance of angels and demons?

  • The story of Anhea and Pileon will also be told as the novel progresses.

How long have both churches existed in the city of Rotkow and, in general, how old is the city itself in its current state?

  • This will also be mentioned later in the story.

People cooperate with immortals and both sides are not happy about it. But according to the laws of the SN universe, immortals had to protect people. Why aren't they happy now? Because of the need for direct contact, or has something changed?

  • After the events of CH2, the immortals lost their home and peace. In such conditions, many of them no longer cared about people’s problems.

If Lane was able to survive and was not noticed at the funeral of the Siberia team, is there a possibility that any of her other colleagues remained alive? Besides her boss.

  • There was no funeral for the team: no one went into the rift, infested with abominations, to pull out the bodies of the dead. A memorial was simply erected in the city with the names of those who served in “Siberia”, following the surviving papers.

Lane has a scar on the back of her hand, but the girl in the cinematic was bleeding from another cut, as if this was done to show the presence of a scar?

  • This is a spoiler.

“The Book of the Apocalypse” is written in the language of darkness? We wanted to ask exactly this question, but this update gives completely different information. Was this book written by different “people”? Somewhere there is Latin, and somewhere there is something that even Cain cannot see.

  • Alas, this is also a spoiler.

Is that distorted corridor Lane's subconscious?

  • Yes that's right.

How long did the Sibir team work until its death? How many people were in the team?

  • The Siberia base operated for decades. It was a large military-scientific complex, in which quite a lot of specialists worked, not counting the service personnel.

Why is it so important for Dmitry to get Lane emotional?

  • This is not some kind of task or goal, but something that happens rather spontaneously. It is important for Dmitry to know what Lane is like: her boundaries, her ability to lie, her deepest motives. He will check her, but it should be noted that some of the girl’s reactions amuse the general.

Have all the lovelines been represented at this point in the story?

  • Spoiler.

Cain is so knowledgeable about sensual rituals, did he take part?)

  • He didn’t take part, but he is really familiar with this kind of stuff))))

The reference for the estates, especially regarding the estate in Rotkov itself, was the Catherine Palace?

  • He was one of the references. The Great Catherine Palace is an imperial palace, the official summer residence of three Russian rulers: Catherine I, Elizaveta Petrovna, Catherine II.

On this note, our interview comes to an end, we express our deep gratitude to Alexandra for her time and patience. And to you, our dear readers, thank you for supporting us! We would like to once again congratulate everyone on the beginning of summer, may these warm days bring you joy. And “The Secret of Heaven - Requiem” will cool us with its icy charm :)

by Black_Cat_86:takao: Agonizingly slow & delicious
Is Moonborn the only vampire/werewolf book?Discussion

Just like the title says. Is it the only one? I haven't read all the books on the app yet.

Thoughts on Soulless S2?SpoilerDiscussion

So Wincy just shared a trivia on her telegram page:

"Fun fact: Demons can die from the deadly wounds in their heart. And they will not be reborn."

Is it a hint that Vyx will aim for Threxia/o's heart for her revenge? Or is it related to Vyx cos she got stabbed? Maybe in the heart? Will she become human?

Can I romance everyone?The Flower from Tiamat's Fire

I’m currently reading TFTF and was wondering if I could romance everyone or should I just pick one and stick to them. 🥰 Gonna choose Sin if so 😅