I haven't lived in the Valley since high school - I am in another state these days - but I find myself home a lot more often to see my mom since my dad passed about four years ago. I average about three flights per year down into McAllen.

I tried reconnecting with some old friends but that was a bust πŸ™„. I figured I'd try to navigate myself toward what I DO know and that's music, but it's hard to tell what's going on based solely on the handful of fb groups I follow.

What's it like these days for rock music? I never was too into country or Tejano (I'm not a very good Mexicano I guess lol). I don't mind a decent traditional venue/club or even house shows if that's a thing. I don't mind driving if there's something cool and fun happening in Harlingen, Brownsville... I might even run to Corpus if the music is worth it.
