I've never posted on here before but I hope I'm met with open ears.

I've been dating the lead singer of the local band Gesture for about a year and a half. He has been verbally, emotionally, financially, and physically abusive towards me.

I found screenshots of him messaging several women flirty and sexual things. There's one that I posted on my Instagram @crimsonwavegirl94 of him saying that he's going to screw her.

He took $1,400 from me to get a new transmission for his car. He told me he'd pay me back $200 a month. 6 months later, he'd only paid me $45 back. Then he paid me $100 a week for two weeks. And walked out on his job.

He has been spending money on cocaine without my knowledge. I told him before we started dating that I'd never date anyone who does that. But he disregarded my standards and lied to me.

Yesterday he broke down the door and charged at me. He grabbed my arms hard enough to leave marks, he left small cuts on my hands, and a bruise as well.

I posted all of the proof I had to his social media accounts. And the drummer of gesture took them down. Hoping that he could silence me.

I moved out anything I had at his place, and left. I called the Hidalgo Sheriff's number and they sent an officer to take my statement. I filed a report, pressed charges, and he could be arrested.

I'm asking them to take accountability. I ask you to boycott their band. Stop tolerating abusers. Stand in solidarity with victims of abuse, don't silence them. Gesture hasn't defended themselves because they know they can't lie anymore. Spread the word. Thank you.