I need some advice and I feel uncomfortable about this but I really don't know who to ask. I grew up wealthy but it was new money. My parents are amazing people who happened to go from a farm to millions and now I'm expected to inherit $20m and our family is currently worth $80m.

This all sounds so bad to me but I just have to get some real straight advice- How do I find other rich people to hang out with? Like my parents didn't get the old money guide book. We grew up in a very nice area but social climbing was never really my focus or theirs. My family was never tacky with their money or anything and they have some adult rich friends.

But I went off and did my own thing at a good college not really thinking about social status. Got involved in a party community I don't really respect anymore now that I'm nearing 30 and feel like I fucked up in a way. My parents were always just "follow your passions!" and I didn't get any real guidance... I'm realizing I probably should have tried networking better but at the time money didn't seem to really matter that much... but now I'm getting older and want to do all these nice things with the money I have but my friends can't afford it. I feel like a bad person for saying this but I just want to be around people who can afford to do nice things... I'm ready for something different.

Basically, I'm trying to social climb as someone with money and not sure how to do it. I'm thinking law school? or business school? I don't know. I hate even asking these questions it feels like I shouldn't care about social status but I just don't know any people to talk to about this and how to get real advice.