It's no surprise that female doctors often face sexism in the medical community. I've seen it many times as a medical student and experienced it first hand as a resident.

Most of the common ones I just shrug off "Nurse, get me a blanket!". "When is the doctor coming to see me? (After having explained to the patient their entire management plan)". Even sexually inappropriate comments like "Oh, I must be bleeding a lot today because of there's a pretty nurse (me) before me!", while creepy doesn't make my blood boil (although it does make me feel bad for the nurses who have to experience comments like these probably more often than me).

But there's been a common theme in the last year ever since I've moved to the more rural areas of elderly male patients calling me "Good girl", everytime I did something for them (e.g. give them their meds, paperwork, sutured them up etc.) and it just really rubs me the wrong way, like I'm a pet or something.

Please tell me I'm not alone. ☹