
I was someone who up until my late 20s had naturally long, strong nails. I’m in my mid 30/ now. They still grow fadt and they are still strong and thick but they peel over nothing. I cut them short, started from zero and started applying jojoba oil as much as possible but any drop of water seem to just make them peel. Lets be honest, I can’t entirely avoid water ie when i wash my hands from coming outside ,showering or washing. Even when I have to wash my hands I try to uadd jojoba oil immediately. I thought it was working well but now at the 2 week mark that some length is finally starting to show, they are peeling again! Any advice, thoughts, suggestions, anything! I’ve tried life style change, ie being more mindful of how i use my hands and nails and still the same. I’m desperate to have my awesome nails back!