I rewatched it last night for maybe the second time and I'm starting to think it might be one of the best farces in recent history.

I'm a big fan of Armando Iannuchi, the director, who might be one of the best British political satirists with shows like The Friday Night Armistace and the glorious The Thick of It. I have not seen Veep but I've heard it's very good.

Despite the subject matter the film has had me in stitches more than once and I pick up some new line that makes me laugh like a drain. The comedy acting is superb, especially Rupert Friend as Stalin Jnr and Jason Isaac as Field Marshall Zhukov.

Yes, it plays a bit fast and loose with history for the purposes of the film but so have lots of historical dramas, it feels allowed with comedy.

Has anyone else seen it? Thoughts?