When I was in psychosis, I ate 6G of magic mushrooms and wandered around capital city completely lost. When I peaked from shrooms, voices told me that they are just chosen souls, with godlike power. They are basically gatekeeping this power of god from other souls. Those souls that are in power are killing other peoples souls who couldve godlike powers too, because of souls evolution. There are only a couple of souls with this power of god. Reality works by rules similar to bible. Everything indeed happens for a reason. Those souls who figured this power of souls, also figured out a way to decieve other chosen souls. They make you do things that you wouldnt do otherwise. They thought of a way for you to break the rules of reality. Its a trap which makes you instantly lose your power of your own soul and it also stops your souls evolution. Every step you made in this life was meant to happen. Once you break the rules of reality, you instantly lose your own souls power and eventually also your soul.

One day I felt my soul leaving my body and I have never been the same since.