Pizza Crimes

r/PizzaCrimes337.1K subscribers13 active
X WARNING: stop posting the "pizza soup" and "bread with ketchup in microwave" rage baits X

Ok folks, both the guy turning a pineapple pizza into a green soup and the tiktok video where someone microwaves pieces of bread slathered in ketchup, spam etc are getting posted over a dozen times a day and creating a ton of extra work, not to mention rightfully annoying people in the sub.

It'd go without saying that both videos are obvious rage bait and get removed under the "Easily faked posts" rule but it seems the posting isn't from now on whoever posts one of those is getting a temporary ban until this stops.

If you ignore this warning or post without reading the sticky that's on you, no exceptions will be made, modmails about these bans will be ignored.

Everyone else, have patience until this subsides and thanks to those who report problematic posts and comments, you guys help a ton.

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README: Quick post on sub rules and you

A quick reminder of our most important rules, the Mod Team expects everyone posting/commenting in the sub to have read this.


As the sub description says we expect a pizza that has been so poorly crafted, or mistreated, you feel like a legitimate crime has been committed.

Subpar or below average pizzas usually don't generate a good amount of discussion and will probably quickly slide into obscurity or be removed.

Toppings like pineapple, tuna, hot dogs, kebab and such aren't a crime as they're the norm for many people. Unless said pizza is a crime by itself ofc.

Dessert pizzas aren't a crime either, unless they're made or treated so badly you feel like they'd be judged here.

Memes are allowed as long as they feature a pizza being mistreated.

Weird pizza tools are also allowed unless they're a recent repost.


Outlandish or inedible toppings like cigarettes, toothpaste, tires and such are not believable and will generally be removed.

Same goes for ragebait videos, faked TikTok stuff and posts where a pizza is so covered in sauces/spices as to be obviously inedible.


You're expected to give the front page a cursory look to make sure you're not posting something that someone has already shared recently. Doing so ensures that we don't get the same pizzas posted four times a day. Recent reposts will be removed and serial reposters might be sanctioned.

You're welcome to repost old stuff (as a rule of thumb, six months or older) if you feel it's good enough for people to see and discuss.


Report any posts or comments that are breaking our rules, this helps us do our job.

At the same time, try to avoid reporting people passing judgement on your pizza, jokes about you being sentenced and such, it just clutters the mod queue and makes it harder to mod the real problematic stuff.

Try not to answer people attacking you as it only derails the post and you might be moderated too, report and move on.

Any slurs regarding race, sexual orientation, intelligence and such carries a long or permanent ban sentence. No, we don't care if you find it acceptable and use it in real life.

Anything that's not written in English can be moderated at mod discretion, we can't waste time using google translate every time.

That is all, any questions or feedback comment here or shoot us a Mod Mail.

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