fuck elbaf, fuck raftel, fuck the one piece.

just go straight to marie joa but get a shit ton of meat first, they are literally senzu beans to luffy and bonney, have usopp carry the meat, hide on a safe spot and snipe the food straight to luffy and bonneys mouths whenever they need to recover, who even needs chopper? they 2v1 imu and we get a happy ending :) freedom for everyone. the 2 embodiments of freedom ending the 800 year old evil rule that enslaves the whole world, peak writing.

but nope. we are gonna have a 5 year long elbaf arc full of the same plotlines as always (a traitor, the throne usurped and we gotta put the true ruler back, luffy imprisoned, a time bomb ,etc) plus ussopp wont do shit either, and lots of more blueballing. fuck that, lets go raid mariejoa and 2v1 imu with looney toon force and the power of freedom :)

jokes aside, man this manga is fucked