Why has the pickleball court become home for the middle school antics of adults? Not only do we have the “cliques” but in league play they are sabotaging your own game when teamed up randomly against their “friends”.

Prime example, during box play, you play with all 3 other players. I literally had a certified coach missing serves, lobbing out of play etc to guarantee her friend wouldn’t have to play in the sudden death round aka lowest scoring. Then the other 2 rounds vs me, couldn’t miss. Cross court poaching when said friend was targeted etc.

I’m venting? Yes, I know it’s just a game. But, I’m truly disappointed with the childish behavior. Tonight made me not want to go back. Of course, I was last. I didn’t even have the heart to fight in the sudden death rounds.

This isn’t the only time favoritism has occurred: last week playing with a mother who knew I need the points and game to get to the finals. 1. Added points to the other team (adult daughter over there) and whiffed at balls, lobbed out of play. To win, I had to poach her side. Other people were watching and told me as well. I didn’t catch the score change but they all did.

It’s soul crushing.