My 9 year old beautiful girl passed away after a biopsy. She has been poorly for under two years. We haven't had the results yet but the vets believe it was cancerous. She was not doing to good, and the vets told us it was our only choice. She passed less than 24hs after coming out of the operation. We were told her side effects were normal until she started mouth breathing. We rushed her to the emergency vets but she passed in the car in my arms in the back as my wife drove us there. We are both utterly destroyed and feel like we are responsible for causing her to decline because of the op. I have anxiety and I have spent the weekend being unable to cope and struggling to breathe. I don't want to continue on, but I have to for my wife and our 2nd cat. How the hell does anyone recover from this? She went so quickly we feel grief, guilt, loss, shock all at once.

I can't unsee or unhear my little girl passing. I saw her go and it completely crushed me. Does anyone have any advice?