I just got off a cruise ship and genuinely have never met a more bitchy group of individuals in my life. I have been on 13 and every single time, the people just out-do themselves with how rude, bitchy, and annoying they are.

These people would eat gobs of food, and then would get on the elevator down two floors to their cabin, and then back on the elevator two floors up to eat more food.

I'm a minor and people also make comments to me on a cruise that they'd never make on land. They're creepy as all hell and usually incredibly large after eating half the buffet.

These people are also so rude to the poor, underpayed employees. On my recent trip, they hired someone to serve the ice cream (post covid built ship, normally it's self serve) and people were like "I WANT CHOCOLATE" as if the employees aren't even human. I've never seen behavior like this before.

If you know how people act in airports, that's exactly how they act on a cruise ship. It's a lawless land of annoying people.

These middle class people get so entitled and act like they're in the top .1% once they have someone that cleans their room twice a day, someone to make their food, and employees that kiss their ass.