TLDR; registered sex offender in the neighborhood frequently riding bike by house; waving to LO.

In my neighborhood (probably 4/5 away), there is a woman on the registered sex offender list. I first saw her several month ago and immediately recognized her but forgot from where. A few weeks later I was checking the location map of registered sex offenders and saw her face (she’s a woman in her sixties, short hair, unmistakable). I ended up googling her and was mortified to find out that she was arrested and served prison time for molesting an infant she babysat.

My problem is, is that she frequently bikes past our place. She has made attempts to wave/say hi to our toddler as well (I act like I don’t see her, I’ve panicked each time and taken LO inside). She does the same thing to our neighbors with children. Now that the weather is nice, I see her by our place 2x a day on average, riding up an down our block.

Obviously I can’t take legal action as what she is doing is not illegal, but I still feel really uncomfortable and frightened at times. What would you recommend I do, if anything? I just want to keep my baby safe.