I am TERRIFIED of leaving my 1.5 year old son alone with other adults, even his dad and close relatives.

I know the level of anxiety is extreme, and is partly a result of me having been both physically and sexually abused as a child - by people in and close to our own family.

Naturally I have done a shit tonne of research around child abuse as a result of my experiences, and the stats are scary as hell.

Not only is it extremely common, but most of the time, abuse comes from those close to you and within the family, people you would think you could trust the most.

The amount and forms of child abuse that happen in our world are absolutely horrific, and I feel so broke and internally crippled by this awareness, personal experience, and fear of this happening to my precious boy.

I don’t have concerns of his dad abusing him, or either of our mothers, in an overt way, but I do feel super paranoid and overly protective about even small things that could have any slight trauma or what I would personally consider negative developmental implications on him. Such as too much screen time or certain toddler shows, food, attention etc… but I still allow him time on his own to bond, it’s more the anxiety I experience often when he is alone with others that I’m struggling with and seeking support for.

Am I being too extreme or is this valid due to idk FACTS?

I’m worried because eventually I will have to work but I don’t want him at daycare or even at public school - I want to homeschool.

Anyone else experienced this? How’d you manage this?

Edit: I am and have been receiving regular therapy for over a decade now. I’m here wanting to connect with and seek supportive advice from other parents who have had or are having similar experiences, which is something I can’t receive from my therapist 💗

Edit 2: He receives a significant amount of bonding time with peers at playcentre, with aunts and uncles, with animals, with himself, and with my mum and his dad (the latter two unsupervised). I am by no means denying him the right to develop connections with others, I’m just around to keep an eye and be available for the most part while it’s happening. With his dad, my mum, and an aunt, I feel more comfortable leaving them to it, but not with others, and I do still experience some anxiety while he’s alone with them - which is what I’m struggling with - but I think that is partly natural? As well as a trauma based pattern ofcourse, but also postpartum anxiety was-is a thing for me - which yea to all the judgey people in the comments - I am addressing professionally.

Edit 3- I also do NOT wrap him in cotton wool, he has a full and happy healthy lifestyle with loads of exploring, nature, independent play, connection, and is encouraged to make mistakes and learn from them. He is well ahead of his development for his age and super healthy on all fronts, it’s just the anxiety I am experiencing that I’m seeking support with here - please be nice! 🙏🏽💗