As the title states - my husband does absolutely NOTHING around the house/with our son. He does work and provides for us 8-9 hours a day while I’m a SAHM but after that he does absolutely nothing.

I can’t even remember the last time he’s done anything around the house. He doesn’t clean, he doesn’t cook, he doesn’t clean up dinner, bath time bedtime… NOTHING.

I’ve asked again and again and again and all i get is “I worked all day I’m tired” as if I didn’t?? He constantly tells me when I complain that he would “quit his job tomorrow to sit home with the baby all day” like I do.

I’m running on fumes.. our son is 7 months old - & extremely colicky. He cries pretty much 97% of the time he’s awake. Everyday I wear him in the body carrier (screaming and all) and clean the entire house, do all the laundry, grocery shopping, cook dinner every night, clean up dinner, bath time , bedtime all by myself.

I found myself looking forward and counting down days until my next doctor appointment because that’s the only time i actually get an hour or two break while I drop our son off at my in-laws.

My final straw was tonight as I was cleaning up dinner and doing the dishes.. husband sitting in his usual spot on the couch. our son had a meltdown (it was his bedtime). While wearing him in the carrier and doing the dishes, I accidentally burnt his leg by bending over too far on the stove. It wasn’t a bad burn but he was screaming by this time. After assessing the burn and putting ointment on it. I walked over to my husband and asked him to please go get the baby’s pajamas on so I can get him in bed as soon as I’m done with the dishes .. his reply was “I’m tired I’ve been working all day and I never got him dressed I don’t even know what clothes to put on him - you always do it…” I dropped the dishes and went in the other room and broke down. I cannot keep doing this anymore. This will be the reason I file for divorce. I love my son more than anything but I’ve never been more unhappy.